Show HE TURNED ON THE GAS another incident of th the tooth of george mrs Pi clett the bo widow of general clickett hero of the rebel charge at gettysburg relates nu an once doto dote of an old mammy mummy whom sho dim di covered at fredericksburg and who veritably believe believes that die she wo was waibling tons first unree hero is her etory story she wae was an old woman in a bingey wooley petticoat petti mat and a bright turban and wo we found her iu in one of oar our jaunts around the city and took tank a kodak picture of other her one of t bo be company asked her in fan it if ho the remembered washington you yaa agte ehe she wag wa very old ail 11 deed I 1 ido do lifs s 1 che the an hwd glibly 11 perhaps you were ono one of bl his nurses clammy 1 11 dat am jess no ry I 1 nursed him when howins ho wae a lectia mite cr er baby I 1 11 ob lob then yon you mast must have known about the cherry treel I 1 but bho she did not and it was explained to bes aud and ehe she listened with much in te NL 11 ize its don know bothin bout no alier ry tr tre fairsy but I 1 members zachy when hie his maw fand him bim in her ber roon an do gas a it boquin cause he done turn it on did betell he ell her he b turned it on 00 mammy 1 I 1 deed en an deedy be he did fail oh he neb rich ber tole to of no act lib I 1 I 1 t cat manaay there want any gas in tao days yea dere wa was loncy honey I X member members dat dattha too toa I 1 I 1 I 1 we decided that old mammy had been the servant of homo some groi ge washington but not our own immortal immor tui gearge Je arge and we left her to cocot her peculiar d sin iou d new aorl mall mail and |