Show NOTICE FOR publication no united its tate tea lan ian I 1 office ollice salt lake city 1 lh april iva notice ij id berea given hat that the follows following foll owl named ettlel has b aled of his intention tj to make final proof in support of his claim and that ull maid proof will bo be made before the county clerk ck rk of emery county utah at ca ti tl edale utah en on may mor sa v IW in via joseph dumayne it I 1 no PM P M for the NW I 1 I 1 see M 12 tp 17 S II 11 9 eat east lie ile name names the following witnesses to prove hia his continuous residence upon and ellura alou of said land landed vu thomaj N williams charle sameon E potter john potter all 11 II off of ti creland utah groo Ite gilter air ma |