Show OTICE NOTICE FOR TIMBER PP U I 1 4 iane office salt uka lake I 1 april S pr co been entered it at this office liy by john W lott wt against anit enoch irhoades Ith oades for failure to comply witti 1 1 I kv as to timber limber c culter pon itura entry io ro di tf lam data juno june A IW upon u the section te lop range 9 K la 10 amery count leab witha rica to he the of said entry contestant alleging that lea has not complied with and plant land tilt fiat bw bv failed to break or calif to be broken the arst year ar t tr enter aag 0 r cit of 0 lati and t bat that he bi has not Y yel r dim that Ume U caulto caused to be broken any land la in tau U tract track the fid laid parties ire are here hm by dummond to appear at the office or of 0 J county clrk clerk of t emery oon county jr utah at emery county couin ty on U day of june IW sit 10 A in to respond iny ing id 14 failure tw the tUoi mony ony and w III be considered st t this hi efam at 1 I 10 a in oo 00 july 1 IW OJ giboo lu fetler |