Show LOCAL NEWS cam in price the other ober a b ateon Sun daved with price friends friy nd S f U patk of Is festered at the hotel clater wd K conof of denver it lithe the now operator at IW th depot mr mrs hernia arau pen amt of pleasant 6 I 1 in price nov CT geat hunter the boerr corn par in it arr a ay Y J L 18 B DIke la in priva 1 let lost friday on his bl it i turn from areen i mrs 11 1 1 montra ns pre pr sentell her hn line bind with a fine fan baby bey lwy on nigal n to mr mir anil ani if rs it ul Ander anderson sou on morning april 23 a mother and child are doing nicely 1 tha ephraem alato UAL judge and mr mrs 46 1 4 1 1 take a pleasure trip to california in ibe the dear future fat ore tidwell Is I 1 laying staying pretty cloe around the beep sheep hearing shearing corral corrals and dont dowl intend taril 1 dwany to got avray ato arla special agent shores of the luo nio Q r and rn waa was in price thia this wk week on iatha conlaw connected led with the Cast legate I 1 cheop sh tearing will oom ni roene at P V junction about may 1 and so ome me of cc near that number will be at the corral corrals cherik 8 it eddy grand county log attorney was the bacat of J W waif watt on sunday out laft for salt lik lake oa on the ho bentar pw train henry blake denver W JU n el I 1 ly ordeal T r young ng King kingstorf 1 I A are green d joeeph W T wilson salt lake wro were at the hotel clark thia this week keen aen eitra atom of on fee ow trola kir at hotel clark the following go gus dunant afraid of rob L am alck aed and downard hare have the contract for bali bilang jang Attorn attorney At torny cy warra the building will h to constructed on haim and rushed lo 10 thera are about auw bead head of sheep to be burca shared at Suany alde pace broth m W of nepal and the big dig springs rauch bare and the othera will oon ix be brough A committee of the state board bourd of are expected to natt meet with the bounty selectmen and ari sessor to t night at abo bounly court house the are returning taming rc from grand county COT Olty the district distri cl court wu was expect t ed to have leen been in n aerion here again on may H ant word received from Julge jn se johnson indicates thet that ba be will not W lei lier beret elben brn and court ii 11 now no w let get for may 17 tha doka will ta t made up about ten daft days s i an gorog bla his name ra charlie al 11 a tea on wednesday of lt lat week at cas on of being a pallor an au to mccarty cCarty Al and amady the hold this to be the cao case because wa was with drinking drin kInK at Caffy 1 saloon and seemed on intimate terms with them abad ito bad in hie his pos IK ecleo a pal of nappa and was beldin held in the be conty caty jail jl until friday tr norn orning log when eaon examination it wa was decided that be bad had nothing to do in common with the lob lobber berl and he was turned loose aoe the man did not give a very clear account of hi his action bat but aal sal I 1 he bad jat joet botne from george and made ribe trip through emery county lie MAS aj be ile bad a few article articles i which bo be wo A peati petting dizig and mud so a there waa was no evidence in the holdup kc coald not be hel bel I 1 ar A baj orar from Orang orangeville eville ibis abl week the district will set the second londay la in may abo ru was cyr from ington early la in abo L 8 eily eldy I 1 attorney tl orner ot of orand rand county was la in price leit last sunday II 11 0 webb county schools was wa la in from aloni maud esry this week A J ft immons wu down from spring olric monlay abe J aag aay court 1 oot not so 0 o krulc now A treat petit number of arm bare bien bi en planted ibis a year by oar our rr ner and ail 1119 tb will be liter later dirk dick whittaker kr ot of mt pleasant Plea ant hr ar rived bore lat last slid brew first blood la in wool buy loir lie ile tho johnson clip at line tied louco that do biting griir will bit b choir api ll catlone with A W iworsley lutao I 1 lre tiling using any water or be liable to 9 A cl cario rio in the mirt e between price and county joints vew will be bd lualle july 1 an I 1 instead of the etael iLg but six daya days a week aj as at pr sent it will have to tk take the mall niall ayery dy day in the year In clodin yr the people of vernal aul an 1 asbey valley are ul 14 be on ao curing a daily aylce service ce A little or the part of the cf ct emery county would acure for brin them a arrice an 1 they should cor talut 11 work tor for it the cantio ark gilsonite huep in nw 1 lo 10 batez about sixty mile ratios north ol 01 0 price and on the fort road ace ie gout out two to ahrie carload of gilso ulle per month are made mAdof aut to the and Is 1 o 0 factories ac this material la Is mann ficor fic nr an I 1 pat put en on the macket the emery aunly Clout ity mercantile company baa has the contract for transporting gilsonite from the mines to pile and team carrying good into the country am are thus loaded back pir of the way Iri tribune bume there U a tumor and apparel 4 wl t foundation bit thit being retired a it majority ot of the present price director will to take duap jue gement on be the patrons of bo by a for the he coming school year df by tu t action the ho board wishes to foist upon the people and school a teacher that it has lu been demonstrated rated tj U the stis satisfaction faction of the most that the people do nc nant this party Is I 1 no other joe who beside hia his defeat m superintendent elite bad bail it anale inaje noath nough for any man to see ce that the people do not arant him there is something radical jr froug when ft IL man will to in and out of season how show auh detri d rire alre to thrusie onto the people re ot of their marked dislike for this man this minor has it that directors i rectors mathli mathu aej an hereley has mark ed d oat out abla plan of action and that in case gheral the action then the of the for ner iner named director will follow the employment of under the beava 1 would ba de if pl oralle it would be taking a very unfair 1 advantage of their la in offic besides estal lishing a br bt i 1 prudent for r the came same money material roat erini could ild be empo the mere eiting giving of a frimd mus not be boje je ta 1 the tbs detriment of tho bright baldre bil urro of price the lom to them ulue irreparable the fondd for an am education li Is likened unto that of a you the hectare structure a good foundation you baill in vain in another tew of the matter ie in timely abely A aivge number of the be jopila now erool here will t little loore fro from the parental it tree than in a common school education aid it boota that barynt to sto to it that the bat it fai alloyed wt lopo that the lumur Is i faife false we dislike to believe tbt those these men wo are aro so 0 o in pubic babi affa affairs irv wallin itald thiral thi UAl aa too to of thie this klud ma I 1 0 winter WM was down aiom provo tow day dij Vino Vinee elette letle the kweler at vernal pal I 1 our barg bart a visit tuesday otto F of Sani wa was in price tawdry tuesday ard went to venial 31 L howell Adin admire fre Kan kama sasha la a ath bdyer who price this week it V lockwood lock wood the sheep owner from payson alea in in price looking after big hi flocks floe li 8 11 baglow who represents keit lings I 1 in e loire low li Is oat out in at h trade george foreman of the ito 0 W I 1 ile outfit was a visitor tn to I price irice rice this week II 11 J dug dugdale tale lale provo enquirer depre sen abiva visiting Is 1 castle valley in the interests of that paper mr mrs 0 T mccormick returned to suit bolt lake holiday after several days visit with her husband hir band 11 M cabla of salt lake who ie in with kahn um grocery homo house wu was la in price mon lay and went to vercel vernal C E brubaker the 1 bo well known travel pg man dian cf of st paul minnesota Minn Minne etota rota wae was around kinong among our merchants tuesday Tn elay A A cahoon mount pleasant ant and W oosten b bill alt lake city were look lorf around fur for bunch bunches of rattle cattle this week W 0 pattick Z U it MI 1 wa was in price monday and made a trip through E i cry comity county daring during the week 11 tanner of provo passed through price pice mon lay en boutu 1 to Lawr lawreice cice win wit rv to ho he trill ivill look after im I 1 rup eity ty 1 Sc liol 0 bt lul E t ca LAIL 01 L LL ivill niia diw al lul wool lai LU rr re were in price several day days r camaj of castle illey baa has awn thai lnLa with ilela tives ani ant friend in butina thi this M aej mina prea pres C vau van tromp J W thomson Tho meon lonia louis ellison Ellie and A rudloff atre tris vi eltore itom to carbones Car boies from cpr pr og ogg on blon bionday day 11 II millburn an I 1 wife nee MIM mits olire Lr urance arch arrived houle from bait t lake city last saturday they were married by judie norrel evening the 2 ad d mr and mra mrs aeo green oreen late of smile d have moved and will ice to in dl jj grille permanently mr gheen j lay n will vill d firm farm and will raa rua it 11 this a ison the pi iod town board eboni I 1 purchase chase a I rater cart to be need tn in allaying alb ying the he ant on in the croaa 1 constantly cont antly keeps the dust flying dying along that anet AJ aa lilily wind mind storm wept swept over castle vally vall y laet last monlay uffer noon and cleouls clou la of desert and sand nil fil ed the air ay iy r tb III re wai was a steady ria rain for some clours and made the hearts ot of tha 1 tartar is I 1 josiah martin aal aol J W phillips re itier od from emery county thursday they overtook the mott motto ani our enri sat at pr but no etolen stolen saddles were in their airl mr martin Martia was free to pronounce pro nonnce them guiltless sili silina press julian whitmore haa opened up a R new tore store at carrica carries green staple and fancy grot cro eries cerie andall and all kind kinds of meats the venture will certainly prove a as julian ii is a rustler of tl e fint first water and alli kind of a bael bast nem baj we not ded in scofield spring ville A ec recital ital bosa boss in town IL covered a man nor king poll tax on a ilo silo street leading off I 1 coupon amenn 11 the other day and thero was wa h b Is own bowl howl about tt it of two consecutive seconds ft V ads the I 1 baa boe roared aa as the can non at kanaiet ble big hair stood on end and rushed his hl bat hit from life ht fevered blow now there were ens worda words galore and lila eyes parile with indignation digua dig nation tion the supervisor bad had to im tile niel I 1 latay remedy I 1 thie his frightful incon ele tency and ana o oder der hia big men back on the Boti boulevard levard ile e coo coupon real at once et jiudice win burr wae all 11 II on bowlay ewt it a 12 boy 11 lit its debut monday aig uig 1 allwell well joan it Robett Iob rr land ani joth NN bit merw were to price earli this wok they came up from the their 1 raache below farnham the county company this week received a car of san lebak r wagons anil and to be he bent sent out to ashley 1 here will be a grand under tha ot ahe K of P to the ho ill pike ice town ball hall Bat onlay it will be on th ilao plan so 0 o will doub tIE be to a air 1 cattle and beep men report the range feed as beant biln better itter mils year than it be has exra ix m for right ye ire the graw gram Is I 1 op up several intha and tho the prospects are I 1 right indeed fur for little cattle and sheep beep there was I 1 large attendance at the 31 1 I A conjoint meeting tae eting Sant sunday lay and au I 1 wa was rendered 17 for the folk folks are as us they should be becoming my very pop ular complaints reach call hit thit the A I 1 ITO ale jq 1 lay artilly two pr or ahr P ly l y ile lu in hi bit N ton the fault must be with the poet post office nt at wellington as they positively leave 1 this loftice on time new now iiames are constantly being a it aided to the list of 0 taj advocate stople are beginning to appreciate the froats torts of their borne home pap r bat but there I 1 still room on knoor oar looks for more in n fact there Is always room for one more twenty thousand head of 0 sheep have been ix fai sheared so far at the price corral corrals and suit on tiro two thousand acing each dar day it trill will yet taice take ten or t tw aelred rire lars eave to finish the work loftt of tho wool owners are holding ho liling their clip for better prices which they seem aau man guine of getting cass cites illde W it BL eddy of ogden J K drown ot of Odb koeh and dob bob and sam bain rheinhart Rhe lahart of denver were la price with prospecting outfits this week they were oat a few days and returned but nothing d definite fealte could bd ba learned of their doings where they had been nor what they were searching for however it la Is understood on pretty good authority that their trip now will take them onto the reservation aej some comment and surprise it ii expressed at this but it maj may not be BO so |