Show REXBURG LOCAL NEWS Idaho Town Preparing to Celebrate Pioneer Day Special to The Herald Rexburg Ida July Fourth was i ivery very quiet here About went to Warm river near the end of the Park railroad on a fishing trIp The South Fork bridge of Snake river gave gae way on th the morning of the Saturday July 6 J H Monson the pro proprietor proprietor of tile the Commercial hotel gave a bIg dinner for the busIness men Of the town guests were ere present They had chicken and vegetables in abundance dance and some of the best strawberries that have been seen here this Mrs Irs Dora and Mrs Isaac Clegg from Salt Lake are visiting here Miss Jane Osborne has gone to Mont Montpelier peller pelier to spend a couple of weeks vIsiting with relatives A number of oC the Flamm family returned yesterday from Lemhi county where they have been visiting Mr and Mrs James Shall Shail Mr Shall has charge of the copper and uranium mIne that Is owned by a number of oC Rexburg people Miss Ertle Effle Hawkes has gone to Salt Lake to visit her sister Mrs Ethel Morse The kindergarten school closed today This evening the training stu students students dents will give a social at Mrs MiS James Pursers Next Tuesday July Jul 16 a reception will willbe willbe be tendered to Bishop Thomas E j Ricks and counsellors by the people of the FIrst ward on the lawn at Bishop T E Ricks Mrs J D has just returned from Marysville where she has been visiting for the last week That whole country Is full of tourists from the south enjoying the delightful fIshing trips and the cool nights The crops look better than they have for several years The farmers are cutting their first crop of hay It Is be below below low the av average rage as It was Injured by the theft ft frost st 6 6 au 1 r lJ lunner U VI Rexburg Lumber company returned to Rexburg this week rented his home to James R B Wright and l making preparations to leave with his family In a few days for Oregon He has been In poor health since last an and i thinks the lower altitude might be better for him Miss Virta Bambridge sister r of Mrs Somers will accompany them The Rexburg baseball team went to yesterday to play ban ball The score was 6 to 10 In favor of Rexburg Rexburg will celebrate the There will be two baseball genies games and hors races Miss Edna Porter Is home from Salt Lake on a visit C S the merchant and his wife and family spent the week In IsI Island and park on a pleasure trip The Rexburg fire department were out practicing the other night They have under consideration a code ot of rules for governing that body |