Show I Fashions From Three Centers II LONDON FASHIONS FASHION S BY MAY DAWSON London lAndon July 13 he fillip which tho visit ot of the king and queen of Denmark In addItion toiba to tile ball and the International horse stow has given to tho sea season on has had Its influence where fashion is con conned cc ned and this years court eclipsed uny a ly on record The ef efe effect e t which the lovely shades of the dresses always give to the scene was this year accentuated a hundredfold by bytho bythe the tho materials ot of the gowns patterned with Immense flower designs and above all b by the large lar e cloche hats h ts trimmed with their masses ot blooms With such hats parasols are moret more jar r show than use some of the s shapes apes being as largo as a small timan sunshade itself and shading the face tace far more effectually One point about these hats Is that small flow flowers rs are absolutely Inadequate and for tor the first time on record Im Immense immense mense blooms such as peo peonies peonies nies water and annunciation lilies and great white and purple rises are being pressed Into service by the milliner who has hitherto pinned her faith to small smaller er blooms Next to these the feather rogue ogue is paramount and her herons ns plumes contend for tor the place of oC hon honor r with cum feathers and the new forms torms of at ostrich plumes which are perfectly flat and and andare andare are only seen In clusters Including some three or or four dozen feathers The extraordinary prices which are cheer cheerfully fully given for tor millinery this ye r are Inevitable owing to the enormous Ini In Initial hat outlay One feather or single self to snake One feather or flower would be absolutely useless on a ahat hat which would take a transatlantic atlantic trunk to pack It In and when each plume costs a large sum In itself and three dozen or more are required it can easily be Imagined that the creator 0 of m modes des can hardly be expected not to levy her charges in anc ancAs As regards accessories our old d the Pierrot ruffle has once again come cometo cometo to light and Is assuming Numbers humbers ot of fresh guises which say much for the originality and taste ot of re reThe The prettiest example are those which ale designed In white net finished with a tiny e edgin gln of Valen dennes lace dyed a China blue while gold gauze ribbon Is likewise used In Inthe inthe the same connection a touch of allty being shown In the cae case or rose rose petals or of crinkled gold silk which are scattered sparsely over the net An Another Another other favorite as an to the dresses of the palest blue or pink de e sole soil Is the ruffle of dead leaf coques plumes shot wIth metallic bronze and presenting a decided con contrast contrast to the ordinary colored examples banning Channing rainbow effects are gained by means of white tulle illusions the edge of the ruffle being sewn with four of five lines ot of colored baby ribbon in inthe inthe the narrowest width In sort soft tones of pink lavender almond green and two shades of amber the streamers being flat bands of the tule sewn with to match Flower patterned materials and dresses ses of lace and embroidered muslin stand tand first In favor as regards gowns for ff the races Nothing is too elaborate e nr 01 too delicate for tor the occasion and luxury could hardly go farther than a gown of Irish lace of the finest quality Ol n Pr r gold tissue and trimmed with den dentelle telle of a different make as well as s the most costly embroideries The gown ith effect at the back Is till still far from being shelved while the tit hu has been incorporated so much with kith the kimono bodice that one Is suf suffering suffering fering In consequence from a certain Infusion of ideas regarding the most favored st style le Dres Dresses es of plain de sole Or It crepe hemmed with deep bands of r silk paU with the same huge fl flowers which appear on the hats and with fruit that might be well to put those of the promised land In th the much In evl evi evidence dence while in n some cases these silk hems are veiled with coarse met filet which is innocent of any uny embroidery or pat patt pattern t tern rn even the fio floss silk lower Hower designs which are ure so being waived In ht this Instance One of the chief chlo features of the real realy really ly y smart summer frocks of the moment Is the beautiful white linen frock heavily Halb embossed with raised designs of Irish crochet and guipure further inserted with or Cluny 11 lace These gowns will be much in evi evidence dence at garden parties race and other meetings Of course they are costly for onE cannot touch real lace and hand embroideries rl s be the foundation only of muslin without a goodly expenditure They are not a new fas fashion ion but a ery charming one and some of them have reached the height of perfection this season Some of them are so fine and so beautifully inserted that they In indeed deed leed deserve the term lingerie frocks It Is quite certain that everything must be embroidered and ir if It be neither linen nor lawn embroidery it will ill probably be silk embroidery of some ome kind kindA A beautiful model observed this week represents a silt frock in a quaint shade of biscuit taffeta The front ot of the skirt the and the bo bodice bodice dice trimming are ot of the now new filet net in a pale shade shado ot of embroidered embroidered dered in biscuit tones rose and dead gold with an outer edge ot of very dark green On the bodice Is a touch of dark green grcen velvet A biscuit colored hip hat trimmed with a shaded vieux rose lORe feather was worn Another very smart frock in white crepe de chine worn om with a black and white striped silk cutaway coat was seen with a high waist on the back and anda a kInd of Louts Louis appearance In the front This was trimmed with the most lovely embroidery slightly outlined o with black and this was also Intro Introduced luce on the skirt The vest and un were or of cream lace and sur surmounting surmounting mounting this toilette was a hat of white chip trimmed with white ostrich plumes and a touch of black velvet elvet while the sunshade wn wag ot of the quaint quaintest est consisting n ot of trills frills of black tat taffetas I think headgear for tile the country hs has always been a rather difficult problem because on very few occasions do plc pic picturesque hats or anything with feath feathers ers rs flowers or tulle look well But the leading milliners this year have bae made the country hats a most becoming as aswell wen well as a servIceable headgear The big sailor hats which protect the complexion are a becoming frame for tor the face and the floating and veils are RrB always fresh and pretty prett For eId women the mushroom Ih shape pe of the moment Ly L v very rY channIng Imply limpl y trimmed with a wreath th of flowers or a ruche ot of ribbon e |