Show TINTIC SOCIETY S SJ J C Jensen returned on Tuesday from troma froma a business trip Into Nevada S Mrs John Hupfer Is entertaining her mother Mrs Frick who arrived this i week from Kansas S Miss Myrtle Homer Is the guest of rela relatives relatives tives In Provo George Herring loft left yesterday for Ari An Arizona Anzona zona for a 11 few weeks visit Th Tb little daughter of E W V Is convalescing from an attack of typhoid fever Mrs Jere Jene Driscoll returned on Monday from Payson Pason where she visited with her brother Thomas Haynes Mr lIr and Mrs M 1 R E Sullivan return returned ed on Saturday nIght from a visit with the relatives at Payson Pason Robert Adamson returned last Friday night from Denver where he attended the convention of the Western Vestern Federation of Miners Mrs Joseph Phillips and daughter left yesterday for tor Blackfoot Ida to visit with the formers sister Fred Schmidt and niece Miss Doily Dony Ar Argyle Argyle gyle were In Salt Lake this week for tor a short visit with friends Mrs W V B Mitchell and daughter Miss Eva and Mrs Mm G M lI Gregory spent Sunday at Castilla Springs A baby bo boy was born to Mr Ir and Mrs John W Smith yesterday Mrs James Ryan went to Payson on last Sunday for a visit with her mother and other relatives S Brig Robertson returned op on Saturday night from a visit with Provo friends Mrs William Adams was the guest of Salt Lake friends on Tuesday and Wed Ved Wednesday Misses Hanna and Emma DennIs of cf Provo Wf were re In Eureka on a visit last week The Knights of Pythias are preparing for their annual outing which will be beheld beheld held at Saltair Aug 13 D D Hanks left on Wednesday for tor Philadelphia to attend the Elks conven convention tion as a representative from the local i lod lodge Mrs Frank McHatton and daughter MIss Winnie and Miss Etto Mathews left on Wednesday for Philadelphia En route home they will visit relatives In Michigan hank Clemmens an old time resident ot of Silver City who has been In Nevada and elsewherE for tor several years ears was In n town the other day In company with Harry Elmer of Robinson I Mr and Mrs C C Griggs and the I mother down to Goshen on Sunday and tooK tonic dinner with the fain fam I fly of A H Pettis Pettie Mr and Mrs V W V Thompson have disposed ot of their home and household I goods and expect to move to the coast within the tte next two tO weeks weel on account of Mr Thompsons health L O 0 Larson and wife returned to their I home nt at Spring City on Monday after a pleasant sojourn wIth the family of I Charles Chlrles S Mrs George Stott and daughter Miss Clara Stott lIft left on Tuesday for tor Los An Angeles geles where they will spend the remain remainder remainder der Of the summer W W Mathews has purchased a home In ProvO Prove Mr Mathews Is now In charge of the Commonwealth mine at Mil Milford Cord but his family will live at Provo Mrs Otto Swart Swartz returned on Widnes day from Los Angeles where he has ha been for tor several months Her son eon Wal Walter Walter ter Haguewood Is still Ia that city John returned on Saturday from Freedom Sanpete county count He waS accompanied home h by his wife and bab baby who have been at that place f for r several I months Mrs Fred Auld and three chIldren ar an arrived rived In Eureka from Can Canton Canton ton Ill III and are visiting Mr and Mrs V D and expect to remain here until September Mrs Myers who Is a rIoter of Mrs Auld met them at Spring yule vUle |