Show Try the Vienna Walnut Bread Fresh I every fery day Ask your our grocer I Sixty Years Experience of an Old Nurse Mrs Winslow s Soothing Syrup Is the prescription of one or of the best female physicians and nurses in the United States and has been used for sixty years ears with success by millions of mothers for their children During the process of teething Its value alue is incalculable lable It relieves the child from pain cures diarrhoea griping In the bowels and wind colic By giving health to the child It rests the mother Price 25 cents a bottle bc 09 i Advantages o s o oo i o National Bank an o i Protection e e 00 A National Bank Its 1 charter from the United States Government is directly under Federal Supervision thoroughly i examined by Government Off t dais at least twice a year and t required by law to make public reports of its condition under oath of Its Officers and Directors Director i Make the Commercial National t Bank the tho depositary for tor your t t tT funds fund and secure this Govern T ment Protection Ii NAT i ii 0 cc 0 T d LAKE i CITY i iA A New Hat For tOe lOc No matter how soiled your old hat is dont throw it away I With a surprisingly small amount of labor and a package of A D S HAT CLEANER you can make it look as good as new Buy a package and credit I yourself with the price you would pay for a new hat GOD BE PITTS DRUG CO The Old Reliable Phones a u S SOLUBLE SULPHUR YOI To nu er saw It before beCore Your phySician never saw It Your druggist never saw 11 it No one ever saw It until Prot Prof ProfF F M Hill Hili a New York chemist discovered It For sale by Peterson Cotton Co Charles Bid DENVER COLO OW WW 1 AA AA j n M Next SplendId d bristle hair rushes brushes worth close at 1230 in the afternoon j giving our pur employees their first sum mer half will be co con Eaton and Hurlbut Lotus Linen box paper every eve Saturday afternoon till very e fine quality t 28 Sept 1st This week per box C Wednesday win will be the big shopping day line ranging in price from lOc lOcin Unusual in inducements will be made to make mae oho in more Inte interesting estin Alto AllO we w will strengthen our to UP each Saturday morning offers Saturday 14 ff Trading morn 0 c in ing is much pleasanter and coofer cooler Th Thin n too Choose this week at every generous man and woman in the State Stae will willbe w I Ibe be to cooperate to 0 give gin salesman Ie eo and women Phones 22 Walkers center store to tomu their mu rest Call all departments A black bla k silk i ken sale this his week Wood onders ers never cease at the Walker store We will rouse Salt Lake Lak shoppers to the highest pitch of 01 enthusiasm by b the announcement of this great sale of 01 black silks A wonderfully r comps r a stock embracing all the best weaves of black silks in all widths f Black silks were vere never more popular than th this is s season ason The se season ason did not produce many fancies and the result has more popular than ever Here is the way we reduce the greatest stock of black silks in the west Read each item Then come Monday morning at tobe to tobe t be among g the first fir choosers No T o samples exchanges or approvals allowed Blue Ribbon taffeta beautiful chiffon finish finish 27 inch black taffeta Made expressly for Walker Bros nothing nicer for s shirts suits and waists 1 95 Our regular the yard Regular quality quality Bl Blue e Ribbon chiffon black taffeta Made expressly for Walk 1 o Bros Our grade the yard fJ finish Splendid quality The yard d er regular black taffeta A very superb grade tl 25 Regatta taffeta One of our leading 1 at the yard tl numbers Splendid quality at the yard fJ selling regularly black taffeta Our regular staple quality Bonnet taffeta Best on earth Recognized the yard quality 1 6 Selling elling regularly at the yard 4 black taffeta Our staple quality regular Bonnet taffeta elegant heavy lustrous 1 4 Selling regularly at the yard 15 e Worth the yard Y and p tJ black Peau de Soie Elegant for dresses Bonnet taffeta A very rY superior quality and for skirts Our regular the yard 1 90 Sells always alwa s at the yard yard quality chiffon taffeta A Avery very excellent arts arti black b ack Peau de SOie Splendid for dresses 1 4 S 1 31 tJ and skirts Worth the yard cleo cle The kind we always sell at the yard fJ black Peau de Soie heavy lustrous Matchless chiffon taffeta A very excellent arti q Worth the yard cleo cle The kind we always sell at th the e yar yard d de for soft black Peau Cygne SplendId 90 C black taffe taffeta a Made expressly for Walker Bros gowns Worth the yard Very heavy quality Guaranteed to wear Fancy black silks in dots Pretty for shirt shirtwaists Regular grade 0 I waists Splendid quality the yard Entire stock of 01 black India Indira silks i at 10 percent discount 1 Another great sale of S mens hall hail hose This time the pair pairA A 2000 pair lot just arrived including blacks tans fancies in cottons and isles lisles Splendid tJ values at to 5 c th the pair Also we have throWn all the hose left from last hist weeks sale into this lot greatly enhancing the excel excelle excellence le lence e of the assortment Full line of sizes All AllI I strictly up to date designs And you choose 1 this week at the e pair i 19 e C eNo No exchanges approvals or refunds on these hose Select what you want before buying I IMen Men Mens store Our entire en Ire stock of o childrens dresses reduced White lawns fine madras and linens corn com comprise prise the assortment Neat hobby nobby patterns Strictly fast colorings Trimmings of lace and embroidery High Dutch neck and long and I short sleeves Sizes 2 to 16 Prices to 2500 each Choose at 25 per cent off Boys linen and knickerbocker trousers in sizes 8 to 16 Specially prices this week at and each Boys broad brimmed felt hats in tan black and brown Worth h se this week at only Childrens r 1 linen bats 8 and c caps worth each Boys linen hats in sizes for bo boys s up to 16 years of off price ec this f week j Juvenile Accumulation sale in the wash goods aisle Wash goods white goods linens spreads towels domestics sheets and pillow ca cases es to go this week at prices below all prece from the Mill End sale and many new lines just arrived reduced lower than ever before Every piece of merchandise in this department will be reduced less than Mill M ll End prices embroidered dress linens All wash goods marked in in Mill Accumulation End sale saie up to sale 2 J C the yard 18 C 75 pieces of Everet Classics Classic 8 Fine Irish linen cambric suit ginghams Worth the ing Bought to sell at yard Monday the yard Late in arrival 7 1 2 and Tuesday C we must close it out at Amoskeag ginghams to go once Choose 1 27 2 Monday and Tues at the yard e C 3 4 day at the yard rard C Turkish towels 50 dozen iu in Irish table damask 66 inches the lot Size 24 by 46 wide bought fo for the Mill Worth each Came too End sale to be sold at late for the Mill End sale the yard Accumulation This sale week 18 e C price 6 2 C All and French and andAll andAll All wash go goods ds sold during SIlk organdies Priced the Mill End sale up to during the Mill End sale the yard Accumulation 25 lation sale price 22 C sale u C CA CA A wonderful accumulation at the yard Included are 12 pieces of Persian lawns priced during the Mill End sale at 22 c the yard 22 pieces of India linens Mill End price French lawns Mill End price 14 pieces white lingerie batiste Mill End price 16 pieces fine pin dotted Swiss Mill End price 72 pieces in all Actual values up to the yard You choose this week to close them out at the yard A sale of hose at the pair n Or three pairs for a half dollar A pair lot arrived this week All splendid i did values at to the pair There are blacks whites tans and fancies in embroidered lace and boot effects In addition to this lot we have added aU all aUthe the h se left from the sale of last week mar ma marking making king a wonderfully strong assortment Choose early while the assortment is good at ati 3 pairs i for or the pair C No exchanges approvals or refunds on these hose Be sure you have what you want before purchasing Walkers cast store Entire line of o infants dresses at a o regular prices Including long and short kinds A very splendid line French hand made and domestic productions are fine lawns and dimities daintily trimmed with lace em embroider broider and fine tucks Values up to 2500 each ach Choose this week at 25 per cent off regular prices long negligees Made up in fine quality tv splendid variety of designs and foulard mar lar price this 95 week at only or Q I 1 t T c Some excellent bargains Greater redu uc Handsome linen suits at a half a prices rice s from one the a basement lIons ions than an ever In Made in the Jacket and effects All hand embroidered and i lace trimmed Von Very splendid values up to each Choose this Clothes th e rug an d drap ra Week at just half regular prices tion Excellent values at ery er department e ar men 1075 dresses this each Mon Included are lingerie Princess and dresses with trimmings ot in inday to too day da Y and week 85 e This week will be and o th 10 select while they thoy last at a I c remembered b by Y the A small assortment of lInen skirts in In all whIte full pleated Worth i Ironing kind great savings on The up to choice 1000 each 1 9 0 ff house furni bin W V a Worth 50 each gs the T 1 61 65 men mention t Ion three ree of 0 the e Monday and week fJ leaders here Br Brass Bs Queen wash wast boards JI Velvet Size 9 12 rugs by illustration v e s p len A handsome hoe of i feet Splendid new stamped goods lust just re constructed Worth values Sold during the in the art needlework section Designed for i Monday anywhere and week This Mill End sale at 2500 different kinds of embroidery including the shadow t I Crystal Or y st a I W wash as h boards b oar d s V Very Ery week 21 90 F French h an and d eye eyelet I et varIetIes I nc I u d ea 1 are ideas I d cas for f or strong stron g and durable Rub p hats h at 3 s shirt hi rt waIsts a at t 1 ro tJ h house ouse sac q ues a at t Alhambra am b ra S Smyrna myrna rugs bing bin g board made of glass Size 4 b by y 7 feet Worth cor corlet et covers at 7 C chemIse at night h t Good values 1000 gown yokes sleeves and ruffles Mo day and week eek each 6 50 I Splendid line lin e of finished cushions in work Oriental col colIne American Ine can Family Alhambra Smyrna rugs ruffs oring Worth each 24 pounds Regular SIZe 36 by 72 Worth Choose at 1 25 price each 3 95 East Main store dore Q ChOIce to close each i Y L u U UI iii ii I l 1 1 |