Show J A I en I During g th the e m months of 01 Jul July Y an and d August this store will close of at I 1 p m every ever Y Wednesday to enable our employees to enjoy a regular weekly as S n 1 r r b 1 t o V p 5 1 j u 4 ll lly y G Y r 1 1 I 4 L f I ii 4 2 i 4 r l Y r 1 t a SPECIAL SALE OF M 7 lup l p 1 MUSLIN R RA 4 mss A Our assortments afford most complete vari van Lion tion of our strength and in in inthis scope supremacy sties and prices will our appeal to all t this is p particular department Values talk and the g purchasers Every garment is perfect to in significance of price rice is IS stupendous That s the cut cuta and d finish daintily made ade and of desirable reason wh why Y in n the face of innumerable le under underwear wear sales Cohns Cohn s muslin n underwear is constant materials Only the choicest patterns of laces I Iy Y in m demand and always appreciated and are lavishly employed CORSET COVERS Cotton Torchon lace trimmed corset covers cOers good Quality muslin worth for tor Lace Insertion and lace edge trImmed corset coret covers made of good muslin worth Cluny lace trimmed corset cover made of tine fine long cloth clot worth orth for Fine Val lace yoke roke pin tuck and ribbon trimmed made of long cI cloth th worth for Cor 75 C This price Includes lace and embroidery trimmed Corset Cov Covers Covers ers made of fine ribbon and tucks worth up to for Cor 98 C Very fine Corset Covers deep lace yokes okes back and front ribbon drawn made of very fine worth 1 15 50 I I SPECIAL SALE OF I Colored Bril Excellent grades for shUt shirt shirtwaist waist suits bathing suits sep separate arste arate skirts petticoats etc in greens grays reds blues and browns Plain Re Regular ular quality Brillian tInes 44 inches wide 98 cut to per yard Regular quality 54 inches wide cut to per yard Re Regular lar quality Brillian Brilliantine tines tine 44 inches wide cut to per yard Regular quality 38 inches wide cut to per yard fancy Re Regular lar OO and quality figured and checked Brillian Brillan tIDes tines 44 inches wide 1 45 out cut to per yard Regular 1 5 quality checked 54 inches wide cut to per yard Regular Herringbone stripe 42 inches wide cut to per yard Regular shadow stripe bril 38 inches wide cut to per yard REMNANTS Wash Goods Goodse White e Goods Table Linens HUNDREDS OF MOST DE DESIRABLE REMNANTS LEFT FROM OUR GREAT SEMIAN SEMIANNUAL SEMIANNUAL NUAL CLEARANCE SALE IN LENGTHS SUITABLE FOt ALL PURPOSES AN ELE ELEGANT ELEGANT GANT VARIE Y OF BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL FUL AND MOST DESIRABLE FABRICS REPRESENTED IN INTHIS THIS LOT AND NOW PRICED AT Actual Wholesale Cost I DRAWERS Good quality lI Muslin Drawers Drawer tucked ruffle open or closed worth cae A good goo variety muslin drawers to select from at this price trimmed with cluny lace embroidery and kS ribbon trimmed worth for tor SOe i Ladles Ladies long cloth drawers open or closed embroidery lace Jace and ribbon trimmed an endless variety to i choose from worth for 1 00 Ladies drawers with fanc fancy embroidery ruffle ribbon trimmed wo worth 1 50 Ye Ve beautiful drawers with deep grad graduated lace flounce and ribbon worth for 2 00 French style embroidery drawers with sale Hide open err co Insertion n and dep lace ruffle 11 I worth for 3 00 I LADIES WHITE PETTICOATS OA TS Good Quality muslin skirts tucked sheer lawn ruffle worth for 49 C CA A embroidery and tucked flounce skirt good muslin full tull width and all lengths worth 75 e eAt At this price we have several styles of white petticoats to choose from n lace and embroidery trimmed ruffle all lace and all embroidery r I e ruffles w worth for forA S 12 5 A very ery beautiful fine Quality muslin petticoats with a val al lace flounce French seam seamed d and very ery well made worth for tor 2 00 This petticoat has a flounce of sheer dainty ery very veo full Cull In width of the best dainty In de design design sign and materials and Is one or of our handsome 3 00 petticoats worth orth for tor V Childrens sh sheer ee r white lawn aprons style hemstitch ruffle and embroidery trimmed ages from 4 to 14 Garth orth sac for tor 25 C II LADIES NIGHT GOWNS High and V neck gowns embroidery yoke ruffle trimmed made of good muslin worth for tor sC Ie Square yoke of torchon lace night gowns good Quality mus line f full cut s several styles es worth Ir for 1 00 Several patterns to select from In this price gown hIgh necks slip overs and open down the front good muslin fine embroidery oe and lace yokes worth for forIn In this price gown we are etC exceptionally strong In styles and quality deep lace yol yokes cs and all lace cap sleeves em and ribbon trimmed the best beet quality q worth for forA 2 oo 00 A very beautiful and select assortment of gowns round and square yokes of lace and fine embroidery tine fine val al lace yokes okes and cap sleeves and all embroIdery 3 yokes kes and sleeves worth for crp 2 50 At these prices we have very fine lines of gowns to choose from some trimmed with German Val and embroIdery ery medallions both and front Deep embroidery yoke and sleeves Empire styles pin tucks both back and front all allot ot of fine sheer very beautifully made and all French 5 A f G Q 6 A TERRIFIC SLAUGHTER Jy z 7 I I o OF ALL SILK QUITS 9 i I r i 1 iJ fi J I A I II t FOR THIS WEEK WEED ONLY Ii I Jf hi Ii l i l Owing to our tremendous stock of 11 1 r l 1 i silk suit novelties we are corn COID r f to sacrifice each and everyone every one of t them at terrific loss in order to effect a clearance This stock comprises all the latest novelty weaves and combinations in highest grades of de desirable desirable stylish silks made in the most approved jacket styles jumper styles and shirt waist styles Also a number of handsome demi cos costumes for party wear Never before in the history of Salt Lake have such remarkable val values values ues been offered in strictly garments timely and seasonable ready for wear By far the greatest offering of the season ENTIRE STOCK DIVIDED INTO 4 LOTS AS FOLLOWS SILK SUITS Is ILK SUITS is ILK SUITS Values up to 2000 Values up to I Values up to Values up p to Choice at Choice at Choice at Choice at atI 7 50 I 1250 i 1500 I 2000 OR i PATEN I RETURNED FEE EJ Free report as to Guide Book New list Inventions Wanted Mechanical Movements sent tree free Pat Patents Patents advertised free EVANS WILKENS WILKEN CO 1 F St D C Continuation of o the e Great Sale of WASH FABRICS IOe Oc Dress Lawns bit big variety of printings to choose 3 from at per rard yard grades ades Lawns Ging hams etc big varieties and excel ent selections at a C 20 grades Zephyr Sheer Lawns etc fine variety of newest patterns to select from fromi i yard Choice jc per 12 Values up to per yard in such i desirable fabrics as sheer tissues mercerized novel novelties i ties embroidered wash goods finest zephyr gin et etc at S pricer for this sale yard lder per Special Sale of 01 Fine White hite Lingerie Fabrics For summer gowns princess dres dresses dresses ses tIne fine shirt waist suits and separate waists all strictly high class fabri fabrics especially low priced extra fine fino Lingerie White Goods re regular ular value 35 per peri i yard to r cut A Ato OC Winch very fine finc quality Lin Lingerie prie Long Cloth a sUJ superior dress and undergarment ment fabric rest eQ ular rade cut to per yard ar 2 extra fine and very sheer Lingerie Finished Batiste re reg ular quality cut to per yard and II m CC C EEE m TRIB w W m e A a teed cure for the v 9 w Vi and Tobacco habits m w PRICE 1250 m m w i w iWU m Where tit the Cars Can W m w ty Stop Sole Agency W Wb b c C |