Show I O Ogden de s Society i ty I Mrs S W Mann Iann of Salt Lake Is visit visiting sit Ing with her sister Mrs J I Smith in inthis inthis this city for a few days C C Richards and family have gone to Soda Springs Ida where they will rus ma rusticate for a few weeks Miss Lila Gregg of Salt Lake Is the guest ot of Miss Hattie Lofgreen In Ogden for a few tew days Mrs E A Littlefield and son Ted left for the west yesterday They will meet Mrs W V B Isaacs Mrs daughter at Lake Tahoe where she Is spending spendin her summer outing and after a few days at that resort will go to the coast for a visit with relatives and friends In Sacramento and San Francisco An entertainment was given the mem members hers bers of the Home Culture club on Friday afternoon by Mrs T W Horn at her country home Wasatch Farm Con Conveyances Conveyances were sent flent for the members and the following officers were elected for the next club year President Mrs William Craig vice president Mrs Hyrum secretary and treasurer A AW AW W Putnam Mrs Van Namee was elect elected elected ed to membership in the club and the club history was written and read by Mrs Clayton Claton Miss Carrie Knapp was the guest of the club A kodak picture was taken of the group In the garden and anda a piano selection was given glyen by Miss Ruth Johnson Refreshments were served Miss Verna Elliott was hostess at a pretty prett afternoon affair on Tuesday her guests guest num erIng sixteen of her girl girlfriends girlfriends friends Decorations were carried out In pink and white roses and sweet peas peRS of at atthe the prevailing colors being In evidence A bOWl of roses formed the table center and baskets of flowers were at each end A guessing contest was an Interesting feature of the afternoon prizes being won by bv Miss Ruth Edwards and Miss lIss Lila Stephens The other guests were MIss Eleanore Latimer Miss lone Garrett Miss Leta Morton Miss Helen Rivers Miss Kate Wilmer Miss Lillian Holmes Miss Edna Care Carey Miss Mis Myrtle Lawrence Miss Jean Miller Miss Florence Norris Miss Eva Norris MIss Caroline White Miss RUby Warren and Miss Alice Garner Miss Virginia Lee was hostess hostels on Wed Wednesday evening at a lawn party given gen In honor of her guest Miss Mildred Thomas of at Colorado Springs Games and music contributed to the entertainment of the evening Aboul thirty guests were pres present eat ent to meet Miss Thomas Thema Thelma Wilkinson entertained II a circle ot of her little friends on Thursday after afternoon afternoon noon In honor ot of her sixth birthday annl anni anniversary Merry games music and lunch luncheon luncheon eon were enjoyed by the little ones and prizes were won by Daisy Morgan and Emma Erma Poster Foster The guests numbered about Rev Father P lI Cushnahan enter entertained tamed the children of St Josephs par parIsh parish Ish on Thursday afternoon at Glenwood park Four cars were filled with the little ones and the afternoon was spent at games Lunch was served under the shad shady trees and the afternoon was one of enjo for all The Alumni association of the High school gave a dancing party part on Monday evening at Sylvan park It has been de decided to continue the parties every Mon Monday Monday day evening Miss Mary Bitten Bitton entertained the bers of at her Sunday school class on Thurs Thursday Thursday day evening at a lawn party part Mrs E L Van Meter who has been the gue guest t of her parents Mr and Mrs H HC HC C BIgelow for the past few months has returned to her home In Chicago Miss Minnie Fielding entertained about a dozen of her girl friends on Tuesday afternoon at a Kensington Mr and Mrs Martin Cullen will leave In a few days for Lost Creek where they will spend part of the summer The Misses Elizabeth and Beatrice Thurston will leave this week for Long LongBeach LongBeach Beach Cal where they will spend a i month or six weeks i Miss Muriel Hollister of Los Angeles is the guest for a few weeks of her con cou cousin sin Mrs Mary Morris Mrs W V A Turner and children return returned ed home Tuesday after a visit of a fort fortnight night with frends In Morgan Jorgan The ladies adles d cf the Tolstoi Circle enjoyed an outing In Ogden canyon on Wednes Wednesday Wednesday day MIss Irene Reid entertained the mem members members bers ot of her sewing club on Monday aft afternoon Miss Walker teacher of Latin at the High school Is spending her vacation at Lake Tahoe Mi I J William Light Mrs Joseph Pig Pignon non and Mrs Frank Mills left yesterday for a trip to the northwest The Misses Mary and Nellie Maguire spent Monday in Salt Lake with friends Miss Dora Culmer of Seattle Wash ash Is the guest of her ner aunt Mrs D M Cut Cu Cumer Cutmer mer for a few weeks Mss Isabel Rogers was hostess on evening at a five hundred party The home was bright with roses and sweet peas and six tables were filled with players Prizes were won by Miss Olive Trac Tracy and Dick Sumner Miss Edith Williams entertained about twenty friends on Tuesday evening at cards Mrs J C Armstrong md and Mrs L D Ensign spent part of the week In Salt Lake Miss Seaman will leave this week for an outing to Lake Tahoe Cal CaI Miss Mills Stella Warren spent the week with Salt Lake friends |