Show A private safe may be rented In the fire and burglarproof vaults of the Salt Lake Security Trust Co Main street per year COLD WAVE IN EUROPE Berlin July cold pre prevails prevails vails throughout middle Europe Tem Temperatures as low as 41 degrees have been recorded In southern Bavaria and It was reported from Strasburg today that snow was falling In the mountains In Berlin for out of the last forty eight hours American tourists in shirtwaists shirt shirtwaists waists and straw hats have been shiver shivering shivering ing around the he hotels MILLIONS OUTSTANDING Washington July L Up to the close of business tOday thE treasury depart department ment had redeemed only of 4 per cent bonds which matured July 1 I leaving outstanding WILL HANG Sofia Bulgaria July sentence of condemning Alexander and his accomplices for the as assassination assassination of March 11 last have been confirmed by Prince Fer FerI Ferdinand dinand and leave to appeal on pOints of I law was refused probably will willbe willbe be hanged July 15 r t L t d e I t I HEIGHTS I I t Is in a class by itself It is not a combination of residence and business but a strictly residential section with restrictions fleas for the protection of all but not however such as will work a hardship on anyone and then think of the view the pureair pure pureair air the life above the smoke THE PRICES ARE RIGHT TOO AND INCLUDE ALL IMPROVEMENTS Cement side sidewalks i 1 walks curbs and gutters graded and macadamized streets sewers and water throughout the property You can buy lots from and up and terms if desired What do you think of that Do not forget our prices include all improvements go up there and see the vast amount of work already done Watch it from day to day spend this afternoon on the ground s Select the location you wish with the feeling that you will get full value val e yes and more for your money DO NOT WAIT until someone else has selected the location you wanted Three e car lines viz East First South South Temple and First FirstI I fib J j Avenue lines Ines See us tomorrow i r J I F Telluride e uri e ea ty O OWNER Bell Phone one Y Ind n Phone A M WRENCH President and Manager McCornick c r t j |