Show PROVO NEWS NOTES Provo July of incorporation tion of the Utah Investment company ti tido do a general real estate business the principal office in American Fork have been filed with the county cleri The capital stock is in shares of 10 each William Bullock who has been in Alberta Canada where lie has large coal mines and other inter eels has returned to Prove and built fine home with the intention of residing here the greater portion of the time Henry Mace of Benjamin will move to Provo to reside Tilliam Probert a former Provo man who has made a financial success n Canada has bought the Biersach rest dence on Academy avenue and will move his family here Will Probert has bought a home here and will move hero to live Three Greeks were fined 20 each b Noon today for entering a mer merchandise chandise car at Thistle One a juvenile was let off of 10 |