Show Ogden BrIefs BACK PROM FROM oD C Eccles returned yesterday esterday from Tenabo Nev where the Eceles Eccles Interests are establish establishIng bIg Ing a lumber business ARIE S CHARGE the polIce court yesterday esterday morning the complaint charging D with a fel felony felony ony was dismissed and a charge of at receivIng receivIng Ing stolen goods a misdemeanor was filed agaInst him and he was held under ball bail PETITION FOR AD ADMINISTRATION II A petition for letters of administration ot of the estate of William McCabe deceased was filed by Mrs Ellen McCabe in the district court yesterday McCabe was for formerly merly a resident of Ogden but at the time of his death was a resident ot of Denver He was killed In the Cheyenne yards June JuneS S 6 last The estate consists of an action against the Union Pacific Railroad corn com company pany pan for alleged negligence In causing Mc Cabes death BURIAL OF W 0 fu funeral f u of William O 0 Erwin who died In Inthe inthe the Philippines April 23 will be b held at atthe atthe the Third ward meeting house at 2 this afternoon The members of the local G A n B W R B c Spanish war vet veterans rans erans and members of the National Guard will attend the services In a body bod Taps will be sounded at the grave In the City cemetery Friends will be received at the Erwin home SS 88 Vest Test Twelfth street dur durIng tag Ing this morning |