Show GRANT AND LEE Each Knew the Other and What to Expect from Him Indianapolis News While the methods of Grant and Lee were radically different each of them knew his man and was able often orten to calculate to a nicety what the other was about to do To illustrate this quality as possessed by Grant one turns to the story of Cold Harbor At Cold Harbor Grant did not know how strongly the con fed crates were ere or he would never have ordered the attack But he did know what to expect of Leo Lee If Lee had the themen themen men Dr Lawson a nan man J too old to be In the army anny was isas G General Grants host by force of circumstances on the morning of the hattie battle General Grant recognized ed him as asa asa a noncombatant although his sympathies to be with the confederacy The battle of Cold Harbor fought June 3 was an early morning affair and the bloodiest f the entire war forthe two or three hours houra It lasted Richmond the objeCtive point of Grants army and ot of the hopes of the north was only onh six ix miles away Just as dawn was breaking Gen General General eral Grant Gront was WIlS standing h lI a group of oC officers with his back against a tree Dr was e G Grant t took out his wAtch If I dont hear his guns In ten min minutes mm utes RIchmond Is ours he said Dr Lawson took out his watch also Grant waited and watched the moving hands handa handsOne One and then the gates ates of hell were opened as Lees artillery r to the silent challenge ot of the silent omm Tm rm checked again said Grant Gront and re me returned turned to his pock pocket t ed t td kno know In a hIs plan I w nolie successful M |