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Show i " WILL TAKE CENSUS 1 1 " j nf Education Announces jtlv ,' j the List of Those Ap- r I pointed. ' ,n,lors to take tho school census I preappointed yesterday by the 'flnK ' tl Vnf Education, Tho census is to bo 5?rtaS the two weeks from July ' 1 "ft, So appointees arc requests to 'at the office of the board on Tues-cJ Tues-cJ t ... 1" at 11 a. m.. for Instruction " Tho, list of enumerators, by 'ftSy ll Wilson avenuo: part ?SdVKoao O'Brlon. 11(3 Prlnce- fl nniifi- Tenth and First wards. John I tfO flTe,n"nnd ward, Vlolot Johnson. 0C3 01 ifUlfhth South street; Tenth word. I E, i r rt-er JltS South Eleventh EnBt; I' lira A. C. Bunko. 467 Kouth fl East Eighth wnrd. George Yv'cg-I Yv'cg-I 1 2 East Sixth South. Third word, I 4;fPkson. S21"Sa3t Sevan th Soutli. iLd wK?d-Fourth ward, Lydia Wcl-''"f Wcl-''"f I ? s Seventh South, Fifth ward H - lcr' . MickcnlooDer. 43 South Socond SlSfc wardMary E. Glauquc. rear SlVufh Thlnl Weat. Seventh ward. Jen-5?.. Jen-5?.. tfSoutainiru h South. wnth ward L- C. Johnson; Flf- m rd Martha Price. 733 West First T?.- ?. onty-flfth ward. Victoria Par- ! ,!A WcS : Sixth South; Twenty-sixth ' r?nnnn wards, Josso, Ytf. Fox. 2J1 i tfSd SoHihThlrtloth ward, kin- - ' J.nWns, 74 West Seventh South: over J S river. Thomas E. Jcrtimy. CIS Wedt fll-frd-flixtocnth "n'aT'1- IrBr.:B- J-JsMnoV J-JsMnoV W2 West First North; Sevcn-: Sevcn-: ffiSfiJiS? ward. Rov A. Booth, 130 North Tl lvt Templo; Nineteenth ward, Joseph I I w HadaE, 3 North Sixth Wast: Twon-illfttW Twon-illfttW mrd, Thomas S. Fowler. S3 111 & , Btroot: Twenty-eighth ward, Miss JlK? Stcr. 173 Nortli Fourth West; $Ur?Tjnty.nlnth ward Sarah Prlco, S3 Apple gWnrt; Center, Katrt Rudy. 67 North 1 rrthwwd-Mrs. Kate Y. Hall, Miss 1- in-a T. Wllcken, 223 H street; Margaret 4 llarrVell, 74 -O street; J. O. Dovalley, 1133 hi' :! . rtfih ward - Twelfth ward. Clara. Si '.BVeTCs. K3 East Third South; part Elev- I ward. Mrs. E. V. Fritz, m East ", '- n-st South; part Eleventh ward, Miss w I (firv Taylor. W2 East Second South: Thlr- ' itDth ward, A. Grcenewald, 605 East First - I . |