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Show us Manager Pyper returned from tho EasjB last week with a big list of attraction! P booked for the coming year at tho Salt, LeOco Theater. The season v.l open brlljg. llantly. at tho close thero will be big starsJS and during tho months between will be 5 scon many fine performances Jig Whilo away, Mr. Pyper arrang'd for thB early shipment of a fireproof cirt.xin, anil it will be In place when Ethel Barrymorlf comes next month. JK To th attractions so far booked -will r course bo added a number dirlng thi season. Tho list of those already secured I is as follows: ft ft Ethel Barrymorc, In "Cousin Kato," Au ! gust S. 0. 10. ft S Kyrle Bellew in "Raffles."' Septembei M 1. 2, 3. 5 Henry Miller, In "Mice and Men" an "Joseph Entangled," a new Londcn sue- cess, September 6, 6, 7. fr 'a "Wizard of Oz." September r. lfl, 17. Ralph Stuart. September CO. LI 1 i "Tho Tenderfoot," September 2J, 27. IS-Frank IS-Frank Daniels. In "The odco BoyyJ with Miss Salllo Fisher as tlu leading glru " September 29. 30. October 1. Florence Roherts In several plas, InJ 'f eluding "Tcss of tho D'Urbex Ilka,' con; fcrenco week, beginning Oi-tobtr 3, j 3 Frederick Warde and Kafberlno Kidder; . In "Salambo." October 17. IS. 19. "Pretty Peggy," October 21. Zl W "Thrco Little Maids." No.mucr 11. J2. fii Maxlne Elliott. In "Her Own Way," Nov vembcr 17. IS, 1. I "Glittering Gloria," November 21, 22. :I 'r "San Toy." November 23. 24. i "Chlncue Honeymoon," November IS. 2i! Florence Roberts, week beginning Noj- t vember 2S. If Thomas Jefferson, son of Joseph Jefferson. Jeffer-son. In "Rip Van Winkle." December C, 7." "The Runaways," December 9. 1", V t White Whittlesey, a favorlto coant ao-i' tor, week beginning December 12 t? i "Sultan of Sulu," Decembr r 22. 23, 24. jl "Marriago of Kitty." December 25, it. Jl i "Princess Chic." December 30 31. $ Warde and Kidder, In a Shakespeare' i play. January 2, 3, -t. jf. Clara Bloougood. In a new play, Januaryi t 12. 13. II. d Paul Gllmore. January 17, 18. M "Sis Hopkins," January 20, 21. M , J. II. Stoddard, in "The Bonnlo Briar j Bush." January' 23. 21. 25. V West's Minstrels. January 25. Mclbs In the Tabernacle-January 27. ; : Creatoro's band. January 27. 23. I "Shore Acres," January 31. February 1. i ! C. B. Hanford. February 2. Hnrry Bcresford, February- 3, 4. T Lawrence D'Orsay, In 'Tho Earl of Pawtucket," February 0. 10, ll Jefferson boys, sons of Joseph Jefferson, In "Tho RIvaJ." Februarv 22 23 h William Collier, in "The Dictator," Fob'" ruary 24. 'Si. I j "Tho Sliver Slipper." February 27, 237. ! March 1. I - Joe Murphy, March 3, -i. f Kiaw & Erlanger's spectarular "Mother Goose" production, week beglnnlrg March C. This Is regarded as ono of the biggest attractions of the year. -f ! Savage's English Grand Opera, compan ' which msy produce "Parslfnl." March 27, 2S. . J. Dustln Farnura, In "The Virginian.'. April 13. II. 15. I E. H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe, inj plays of Shakespeare. April 2S 29 I , Chauncey Olcott, May 4, 6. 6. w Eleanor Robson, In "Merely Mary Ann.'!; June S, 9. 10. 1 John Drew, June 12, 13, li. : |