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Show AN ORDINANCE POLES. P'OSTS AND FENCES ON COUNTY HIGHWAYS. A.n Ordinance regulating tho placlnga.nd' maintaining of telephone", telegraph, electric elec-tric curront nnd railway poles, and hitching, hitch-ing, sign, fence, madl box and other posts, on and along the public highways, streets, etc,. It Salt Lako county, Utah. Tho Board of Commlsalqners of tho county of Salt Lako ordalna. as follows! Boctlon 1. It shall bo unlawful for any person, persons or corporation to act, place, keep or maintain any pole, poat, fence, or like obstruction, upon or along any public highway, road, street, avenue, lane, alloy, trail or sidewalk In Salt Lake county, excopt as herein designated. Tolephone and telegraph polos shall bo set with the face of tho polo nearest tho center of tho street along a lino known as tho curb line, which line Is located as followq; On eight-rod highways, etc, fifty feet from tho center thereof; on seven-rod highways, etc, forty-Jive feot from tho center thoreof ; on ulx-rod highways, high-ways, etc., forty feet from the center thoreof; oij five-rod highways, etc., thirty-two thirty-two and a half feet from the center thoreof, thore-of, on four-rod highways, etc., twenty-five twenty-five feet from the center thereof; and a spaco of two feet outside of the curb line, on tho side thereof farthest from tho center of the street, Is hereby designated desig-nated aa troo space, In tho center of which trees may be planted. Eloctrlc light or other polca for carrying car-rying electric current for commercial purposes pur-poses (except telephone, telegraph or railway poles) shall .bo set In the samo manner as telephone and telegraph poles along the said curb line, and also, upon order of tho Board of County Commissioners, Commis-sioners, may be set centering along a lhlo four feet nearer the center of the street than tho said curb line, provided, that when the said electric light polea are used also .for carrying wires for electric elec-tric railway purposes, they may be set three and a half feet fr.om the rail nearest near-est the center of the street on a single track main line on four-rod highways, and on all highways more than four rods wide they may be sot threo and a half foot from the rail farthest from tho center cen-ter of the stroct on a slnglo track main line. Railway poles, for carrying wires for clcctrlo railway purposes, 9hall be set either Qn the curb line as for telephone poles, Or upon permission therofor obtained ob-tained from tho Board of County Commissioners, Com-missioners, three and a half feet from tho rail nearest tho center of the street on a single track main line on four-rod highways, and threo and a half foot from tho rail farthest from tho center of tho strcot on a flinglo track main lino on all highways moro than' four rods wide. But no telephone, telegraph, electric light, railway oi- other pole for carrying wires to convey electric current, shall bo pet op any public highway In gait Lako county without permission or a grant of right of way therefor being first obtained Hum uiu aoara 01 county commissioners. Hitching posts and posts for carrying or holding mall boxes, shall be set either In tho treo spaco herolnbeforo named, or centering along a line four feet nearer tho center of the stre.et than tho curb lino hereinbefore designated, provided, that on two-rod lanes tho said posts nhall bo sot eleven feet from tho center of the lane, and tho curb lino on two-rod lanes Is hereby located twelve and .a half feet from tho center of said lanes. Sign posts on public highway?- tc . ohall bo set only In the spaco obsignated as treo spaco; but no signboard shall bo permitted to extend across anv sidewalk I at a less height than twelve feet above the level of said sidewalk, or ncross any portion of tho roadway at a less height than twenty feet above the level of said road. Fence posts may bo act along tho fence line, which la hereby designated as distant dis-tant from the center of any nlghway. lane, etc., not less than half the surveyed and platted width of said highway, lane, etc , no public highway, road or street In Salt Lako county being regarded as surveyed and platted less than four rods, or glxty-slx glxty-slx feet. In width, and It shall be unlawful un-lawful to place or maintain any fence or building the face of which la nearer the center of any highway, lane, etc, than (the line herein deplgnated as tho fnnce line. Section 2. It shall be unlawful to set, place or maintain airy telephone, telegraph, tele-graph, clcctrlo light or current, or railway rail-way pole, or treo or hitching. malT, sign, or other post texcept fence), which Is set upon property abutting on any public highway, lane, etc, In Salt Lako county at a point nearer to the fence line than centering one fo6t therefrom on the sldo farthest from tho center of the street; or, In other words, any nearer to the center of such highway, lane, etc., than centering center-ing at a point one foot more than half the surveyed and platted width of said highway, lane, etc. from said -center; and it shall be unlnwf'Jl tp qht o'r maintain qny hitching sign or other post pn any alley or trail less than two' rods' In width, or within one-half foot outsldo of the outer limit thoreof. Section 3. It Is hereby provided that any grant or permission hereafter glvn to set telephone, .telegraph or electric light poles upon' any of the public highways, etc., In Salt Lake county shall be made subject to tho reservation, whether or not said reservation Is specifically set fi,rih In tho grant or permission, that whomever tho Board of County Commissioners Commis-sioners shall deem It necessary for the public goo'd or servlco, the said county shall have tho right to placo cross arms on Eald poles, and to string ono 3ct of wires thereon, for furnishing electric current cur-rent and light to Salt Lake county, and to use and operate flio same during tho period of such grant or permission, with reasonablo regard for the rights of said grantee. Section 4. It is hereby made tho duty of supervisors of road dlstripta to treat as obstructions to public highways all poles, posts, fences, etc.. et or plaoed In violation of tb terms of this ordinance Sidluu I. ny person violating any of tho provisions of sections, ono and two of this ordinance shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. . Section 6. This ordinance shall bo In effect on nnd after July 21, 19M, this dato being not less than fifteen days after Its passage. Passed this 6th day of July. A. D. 1504, Commissioners James II. Anderson, William Wil-liam W. Wilson and Henry N. Standish each and all voting "aye." (Seal) JAS. H. ANDERSON. Chairman Board of County Commission-on. Commission-on. Attest; John Jamco, County Clerk. x!57 |