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Show PERSONAL MENTION. I Miss Mabel Knucky is suffering rromy blood poisoning caused by tho bit of anj ant. m Richard Collctt, an aged cltln whol : was taken ill at Buffalo, N. Y , has comejf home In the cars of his son-ln-1 iw, Thom-4: as O'Rourke. jk Many friends will be nolm-l to h' ir otU the death of Mrs. C Werner of MJrniy.'t who passed away yesterday aft rnoon.' ! The funeral will take placo at 4 o riocl; ' today from the home of lur d-vjghier; Mrs. C- Merrltt. 221 Tenth Cut 1 trlrs. D. B. Ward has received word of the serious Illness of her mother. Mrs,' Kate J. 8ulUran of McKlnnrj. Tex. |