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Show IS1.00 TELEPHONES For Residences. 20 outgoing callB per month. No charge for Incoming calls. 2'c for excess ex-cess calls. S2.00 TELEPHONES For Residences. Unlimited service. ROCKY MOUNTAIN BELL TELEPHONE TELE-PHONE CO. I EXCURSION RATES Via Oregon Short Line. St. Louie and return ?42.50 Chicago and return u 47.50 Chicago and return via St. Louis C0.00 St. Louis and return via Chicago 60.00 Through Pullman sleepers via Union Paclllo and Wabash linos. Limit CO days. Transit limit 10 days in each direction. Tickets on sale Tuesdays and Fridays each week. Stop-overa allowed. Chnrle Kent Will Sing The "Cambrian War Song" at Saltalr, Wednesday, July 13th. BEAUTIFUL CASTILLA Ui& D. & R. G-. R. R., July 10. . si.25 for the round trip. Leave Salt Lake S:00 a. m. Good llshlng; hot and cold baths; baEeball and other amusements. FIrst-claBs hotel' accommodations: accom-modations: everything remodeled. Dally Reporter Co., Joh Printers, 21 East Flrat South st., Salt Lake. I Another Prize Winner. Mrs. C. Boler of Pendleton, Or., drew the twenty-acre prize on coupon A1257 of the Real Estate association prlzco. She was on her way home to Pendleton Pendle-ton and, making a brief stay in Salt Lake, bought the ticket. I Floral Location Given Up. Having disposed of the fixtures and given up our location at No. S Main street, your attention in directed to our store and greenhouses, 214 E. 2nd South, the old stand, where you may depend upon fresh cut flowera, all Utah homo grown, .'Phones 37 and 37. SALT LAKE-HUDDART FLORAL CO. H Thomas Ashworth, soloist at Saltalr H today. KNUTSFORD HOTEL. The one place for comfort and elo-gance. elo-gance. Fireproof: telephones Jn every rcom: modern In every way. |