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Show . .Couldn't Get Square. ' jH Itueflcll Sage, a (ctv aftcrnoa-4 ap, I boiiBljt a paper of a newsboy on 'the cor- ( ,H npr pi the strceit near. his home, paying j , J 1( cent-for it. The' aged hnan'ciev walked t ' .H afew stepB, looked at tlic iia'per, and was lH chagrined to tlnd'lt of th day before. He HH prpmptjy retraced Jila. ateos, handed the . 'H papor'back to :h.e bpy. sniA then held out : fl hlff-Iiand for" .thi)" ):oIh In r-iturn, which tho ;h- boy finally lnh'ed out n nd gave back. Then ;l Mr Sage walked away. iH "Sa1,' wasn't Ihilt thr limit?" dlHKiipteil- IH ly remarked tho4iwwsy. 'Can't ounko iH that old feller -with' sill hie ;noney. but ho fH builkoed-mc Votrier day. and 1 wanted 1c ' fH get equar.o. t 'JPcil you,f e ho-A' it. w.'is, 'fhe IBH old mancanvj nlong, x$ok i jiape-ofren me JH then dips down in hto pockbt and fishes 2H out a coin. .-He" cpenft "hand, puts the sH coin in It, close? m? ingers uvr iho coin T IH and glvps me hand a pat. 'ell, ,.-jyf I 'i IfH tpught sur6 I had a )ni-i or a" iiiinrttr. IH but when T opens ra hind t'.'v.c ? nothjn" J I IH but a cent, jtirtt the rrlce of luc' pnr,r s BH Wapri't that a hunko" ganjj? jh' I cculdit't i i.H get square "- Ne' Tork Times. I FH |