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Show Odd tangles (Word definitions, unless, otherwise dtated, aro according to Wobster's International Inter-national Dictionary. Llpplncott's Gazetteer Gazet-teer or Phillip's Dictionary of Biography Reference. Original contributions will be welcomed. Communications for UiIb department de-partment to bo addressed to E. R. Chad-bourn, Chad-bourn, Lowlston, Me.) 2C07. REBUS. The aim or1 the ambitious puzzle-maker. IT. SEE BEE. 6 200S.-C U RTAI LM ENT. The Ark, Its stormy voyage done. Had grourfded finally on ONE. Tho beasts walked out with msavy tread, Tho birds skimmed lightly overhead. Tho TWO Hew to the neureat tree Wc may suppose it was SIX THREE, That yields tho resia sandarac Now TWOS, we know, grow big and black Beneath Australia's southern sun: How did they Journey there from ONE? The FOUR, the blue and gold macaw. An active bird with beak and claw. Went farther still by land and sea. And gained the Isles of Caribbeo But ask for tidings of his flight. Ho probably will scratch or bite, And though he cannot wrlto, contrive To mako his mark, that la. SIX FIVE. Just how ho reached thoso islands fair, You tell. I only know he'e there. M. a S. o o o iCS9.-A GAKDEN OF VEGETABLES. 1. I a.m glad 1 have irttlll with tho boa, for by that ONE TWO THREE the we2 out of my WHOLE bed. 2. Why should this Oriental with his long ONE TWO tho ground when I havo an English gardener gar-dener who can ralsu a. hotter WHOLE crop than he? 3. Is tho ONE TWO to tho hydrant, or first cousin to the woll7 4. If you kill that old ONE, TWO its bones In the WHOLE patch. 5. I asked Lucy to go to Gretna Green with mo. bat sho replied, T ONE TWO Just now, but when father goes to town with his WHOLE crop there will be a chnnce." 6. Drlvo away that yelping ONE, and exterminate tho TWrO from tho WHOLE. 7. I havo pulverized and moistened thia rich soil, almost to a ONE, and there will be TWO for a largo WHOLE crop in It. DOROTHEA. 2100. ANAGRAM. ITS MAIN SCARE Is a rival church, It thinks may quite outstrip it, . Or glvo it an uncanny lurch, Or cunningly up-trip it. So with its fears It feeds Its hopes And Injures Its digestion; And that is why it mulls nnd mopes-When mopes-When it is called In question. T. H. . y 2101. INITIALCHANGES. I am slck. Give a drink, and I plough; a vegetable, and I am a medicine; an Insect, and I belong to a. bird; live hundred, and I am a plant; ono thousand, and I am a machine. ETHYL PAYNE, 2102. TRANSPOSITION. May stutters when sho kisses . That's why I love her so! Oh. what a pleasure this is; May stutters when she kissesl A thrill of all ONE blisses TWO through me, for I know May stutters when she kisses' That's why I love her so. L'ALLEGRO. 2103. PALINDROME. A Toronto coachman. was very fond of quoting his former Ottawa employer. Particularly Par-ticularly after Indulging In liquor (against which ho had been warned) he would begin be-gin boasting of the superiority of Ottawa over Toronto. Ono Christmas Tom had been drinking more freely than usual. At nifrht ho was ordered by his employer to bring an old horso and buggy to the door. "O. papa, come and see what Tom la doing," do-ing," said tho man's son a few minutes later, as he rushed In, almost bursting with laughter. The man found the coachman In great excitement trying to forco a horae collar over the head and horns of an old Jersey cow that stood quietly before the bugcy. Said Tom as his master appeared: "His cars are as stiff as sticks, an I can't mako the collar go over them." "Don't try any more, but put her back in tho stall, then go to bed yourself. You will lonvo in the morning." Bald tho muster. mus-ter. Tom went, grunting out somethinp: about Ottawa." In vain the boy pleaded I for Tom'fl pardon, his father merely said: "N S'T 0 0'TW IW T O'Or S'N." E. L. S. a 210-1. VICES. What Is the vlco the slave has got? Inebriety or less. Oh no! there Is another that This liflt does not comprise. What vlco is it Inventors get? Who waking lie long nights To plan some patent that will set Tho unlverso to rights. Boglnncrs havo a vice no doubt; Inflated so with prldo, Obscrvo the tyro strut about, A vlco personified. And wise men have thoir vlco I note,- 'Tia proffered o'er and o'er, Till victims aro Inclined to vote Tho Solomon a bore. W. WILSON. |