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Show WOULD BE A NUN. "Nan" Patterson Says She Will Enter Convent When Sert Froo. "Nan" Patterson eayB sho will enter a convent when set free. "Nan" Patterson, the actress confined con-fined In the Tombs , on the charge of having killed "Caesar" Young, a bookmaker, book-maker, has announced that It Is her intention in-tention to enter a convent the moment she Is freed from the charge that Is now hanging over her. She says that she feels certain that she will be acquitted ac-quitted If ever put on trial for her .life, and that she will devote the remainder of her existence to doing good to thoso who are in trouble. "I have tasted what they call the 'sweetness of life,' " she said yesterday yester-day In her cell In the- Tombs to a friend who had called to see her, "but I have found out that there Is nothing In it. This has been an awful lesson to me, and maybe it was for the best that I should have been placed under arrest, if it were only for the purpose of giving me an opportunity to realize that after all the narrow path Is the safest and the only true path upon which man or woman ought to travel If they want to realize what real happiness hap-piness is" Miss Patterson has taken a great fancy to the good Catholic sisters who visit the prisoners In the Tombs. Sister Sis-ter Mary Xavier, who is better known as the "Prison Angel," his seen Miss Patterson at least once a week since her confinement in the Tombs, and to this sister "Nan" has given the story of her life. What she has. told Slater Xavier of course the sister will not reveal, re-veal, but It Is known, that "Nan" has declared that she is -anxious to be free so that she might in some way make amends for the life sho led in the past. Miss Patterson has made similar statements to her lawyers, cx-Asslst-ant District Attorney O'Reilly, Abraham Abra-ham Levj' and Phil Waldhelmer. Miss Patterson keeps to herself most of the time while In the Tombs. The Warden says she is one, of the best-behaved prisoners he ever had under his charge Mr. Rand, who Is In charge of the Patterson prosecution, has stated that he will! not put the woman on trial as long as her brother-in-law, J. Morgan Smith, chooses to absent himself from the jurisdiction of the New York courts Mr. Rand believes that the pistol pis-tol with which Young was killed Is the property of Smith and that Smith Is the only person who can clear the mystery that has thus far surrounded the case. Detective Sergeants Armstrong and Judge of Inspector McClusky's staff are hunting for Smith, but thus far have been unable to get any trace of him. But oven If Smith should be found outside of this State he could not be brought back to New York as a witness. He must come here voluntarily. volun-tarily. New York World. |