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Show Mining' Notes. MUcd Elplen, the Butte mining man. came' in' from" tb'e "East yesterday and. -ivlth' his' Salt Lake" " as(X'3latc. will leaYo for the Lo3t Packer minBB at Loop Creek, Ida., this morning. It was his son, James T. Finlon. who wa recently re-cently designated by the Federal court a receiver of Klmberly's Montana gold mlnci?. A small forco lw now following up fifteen fif-teen Ipohes of low-grade ore In. tho Martha Washington of Tlntlc A letter from the superintendent pf the Joe Bowers of Tingle advlse.i Manager Man-ager Grfdiey that connection hns been made with the up-ralse from tho 400-foot 400-foot level, and that, with Improved ven-. tilatlon, the extraction of ore of good quality will be resumed. The transfer books on the Mammoth'3 $20,000 dividend were clowd yesterday. While the transfer bqoki? at the Daly West will remain open, only shareholders-of recqrd "Inst night wll be permitted per-mitted to participate In the July dividend.'' divi-dend.'' The water In the Creole of Park City Is rapidly disappearing, and work will be resumod on the 600-fbot level July 10, saya tho management. Manager P. W. Madsen of the Century Cen-tury of Park valley Is' expected to arrive ar-rive frbm the East today. The Boston Con. of Bingham Is again reporting at the Bingham Con. smelter wth SOO tons of ore dally. Chpcks? -will be distributed among about ninety persons per-sons now on the pay-roll the- present weplc ' ' - Two lots of matte from the Yampa smelter of Bingham wero Bold on yesterday's yes-terday's market. Secretary Elllngwood of the Western Exploration company left for Stopkton yesterday morning. ' Prof. R, A- F. Penrop.e, the eminent geologist and expert mining man, has gone to Australia to conduct an examination exam-ination of mining properties?. Dc La Mar Lode: Jack Reynolds left Thursday for Copper gulch, near Frisco, where the Newhouse smelter Is being erected. He was accompanied by C Plerson, who has been In De La Mar a short time. Hon. David D. Erwln of Muskegon, Mich., extensively interested In Park City's mines for many years, oame In from the East yesterday. Jo;ph Dederlchs, superintendent of construction at Newhouse, left for camp last night, accompanied by Charley Char-ley Matthews, the new camp's "pioneer merchant. Superintendent W. H. Nutting of the BJngham Con. smelter, who has been taking In the St Louis fair and visiting visit-ing his? old home In Illinois, will return re-turn from the East today, Gc-orge H. Dcrn, manager of the Con. Mercur, has returned from camp. Manager Farnsworth of the Horn Silver has cone to that bonanza at Friscp. American Fork Times: W. S. Lyle of Salt Lake City and W- H. Grant of; this place left here for their property in American Fork canyon, over which there 19 considerable excitement owing to a big strike which was made some time ago. The company haj? already made one small shipment and has ready for transportation a carload of. ore. |