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Show I ALL THE $1-25 TO $2.50 Wool Dress Goods. In Broken AssortmtnU. These include all of the season's de- rjlT 0 slrable materials and' colore, ail highly f1 IIT' desirable imported fabrics. The lines are now broken, but there Is every color 'TW and stylji In the lot. now priced 'at above figure for a final clean-up. GREATEST : SHIRT WAIST OFFER ...OF THE SEASON... GRANB&ST ASSORTMENTS An Unprecedented After-the-Sale Eynt that Excels Anything Previously Attempted. -WAISTS IN THE LOT WORTH UP TO $4.00-- $' IB 1 C I A EACH. You will find in this collection waists made of almost every material; lawns, dimities, ginghams, percales, linens, mercerized cottons, dotted Swiss, India lln-ons', lln-ons', embroidered lawns, chumbrays, madras, etc, every size, cver'-dtyle; every color arid cplor combination (polka dots, etc.). ' COME EARLY AND GET GOOD SELECTION. ' "' ' " ' CLEARANCE OF BROKEN LINES OF EXQUISITE, WELL-MADE : MUSLIN UNDER GARMENTS AND INFANTS' WEAR. I AH odd and brokn lines of fin Muslin Underwear left over from our Great Semi-Annual Clearance Sale row grouped together for a rapid exoduc AH Infants' Wear aho sacrificed. At, 28c Each. At 47c Each. infants' wear. T& Wf- T"'" t Infants' long slips of white muslin, nock and CORSET .COyRS. DRAWERS GOWNS; SKIKTS, VI 0 and CHMJ5E. rnD qttx rCWntHL S Infants' long slips of white nainsook trimmed Corset covers of white cambric, fulj French 1 VV V ffliv., wlth flnc ombrpiaery on neck 3Q shape.' trimmed' with hemstitching, beading and DRAWERS & CHEMISE and a'ceves, worth 65c O V V ribbon OS lace, vfoth up to 0c. 'v'r T infants long slips of white nainsook, round em- ' Drawers Vf heavy muslin trlrnmed Vlth line wh)lc mU(In( Molhcr pubbard ' br?ldery .yoke, trimmed wth lace. rr tU& trimmed with hem, Z - Infionl Atltcberf''fufflc3. .?"ne :.-"r:P . y0und orstiuafo yoke' of llnV" tucks- and in- ' ' ' ' Skirts of white muslin, umbrella shape, deep sertlon. skirt trimmed w.Ith fine tucks and A A li lk flounce, trlmmcil with tucks and torchon lace Embroidery rullle, worth up fill )t Jfj 53C mLgLGMM edge worth lip to .$1.00. to ?2.25 4f? ' "' ' . '-",2,. ' "'' ."' , n,in.ont ivifh inro Infants short white muslin dresses, square yoke SfORTS. fiORSET COVERS TTS& ...: 35C? SKi.rta of whlfe muslin, depp ruffle .trimmed jprawerB of muslin or cambric, wide umbrei;a rih'0rt bIcovcs, trimmed with lace. Cri7f wjth nrifs tupk, worth55c. flounce, trimmed' with two :rowo of lace lriser- worth $1.00 !.';'. ,..Z)KJy Corset cbvr trimmed with three ros of to.r- iac6 r;de embroidery, worth up to j nU. 8hort'whlte lawn dresses, in high or low ChCwe a Tf 2S'bri?! umfrella shape, '0- ' neck, long or short waists, trimmed with lace decn rufSe trlmined with line tucks and torchon Chemise, short or skirt length, trimmed with and embroidery, worth up 82 l-Scdg,o; vyprth ,6Gc. -- -; embroldery.rbeadinff and ribbon, Avortji up to-$l. to ?2,00 v. Nothing To regain lost strength and vl- ' iH tallty or for nursing mothers I or convalebcenta for a tonic or s-, beverage during the spring and In summer than tM'l Cabinet ill THE BEER TOU LIKE. ' It la properly aged and paerteur- i 'zed. Ono trial Is all we ask. f ' Order a cape, either quarts otf L IH pints. A Braall glassful occa- I Blpnally Will soon bring desired ! results to convalescents; jH Adam Snyder, Apt., 276 S. Main St.' Fred Krug Brewing Go. j lM Omaha's Model Brewery, j - Telephone 1061 7. SALT "LAKE. j Ikift! tllC SdlG CiCfiiriteJji pepartments 'I MORE WONPERFULr BARGAIN ASSORTMENTS THAN EVER. I ! The week's great clean-up of odd lots and broken assortments in all lines will create the most wonderful purchasing 1 ! y. j opportunities that haye eyer come under your obspryation. It's a stern necessity eyent that forces us tp make final I , clean sweeps throughout the store in order to make the clean-up effective, striking and decisive. : J I AFTER THE SALE CLEAN-UP Silks and,.. Dress Goods At Less than Cost of Production--All tha I $1.25 FOULARD SILKS ani 1 SHIB.T WAIST SUIT TAFFETAS. I About .60 styles, just a dress pattern m& m0 left of each, in most cases, all choice, E: jf 1 desirable 3tyles. 'air' hlgh'e'gt grade ma '1 U terlaly 'and most desirable coloiihgs. Wt B I priced at aboye. figure for a final clean- W. A Special Week's Sal of Dressing Sscqiies kort. ?: KliUQnas 1 Lawns, dimities, percales, dotted jfi A I Swiss, cotton crepes, India Hnons. etc, M m JM I beautiful .assortmenta. couldn't begin tp WM fWm' I describe ' '"them. " 'Some beautifully 'JI I trimmed with 'lace embtojdery ruflJca or 'WLV I braid. All colore, all sizes, some sold I regularly for 2.25. r , FINAL FORCINQ PUT OF ALL 1 High-Class I Wash Goods I THE MOST SUCCESSFUL, CLEARANCE SALE WE'VE EVER1 HAD AND THE WASH .GOODS WENT , .H LIKE HOT CAKES; BUT, THE HKJH-PRICED COPDS 1 k DID NOT MOVE SO pAPIDL THEREFORE THE ' CREME DE LA CREME QF ALL WASH GOODS BAR- j , .H GAINS IS SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY. GET IN 1 s EARLY; THE BARGAINS ARE PHENOMENAL. 25c to 35c -voiles, plain and fancy, linen suitings, noppe , ( suitings, fll de sole, etc., all the newest novelty weaves s for summer and the richest colorings ever ACffc ' ' ll shown, now cut tp, per yard .1 j COc and 75c sheer organdies, perfectly exquisite for sum- 1 mer gowns, come In all' colors and richest elaborate i fll noVeltjf printings, now cut to the uniform ' O C price of, per yard J&O' . jH SCc imported English volleij, with heavy corded effects. 1 j come In c'bampagno, light blue, gray, etc,, exact coun- I ; t terparts of 53.50 per yard' wool fabrics. "20 0 I your choice ndw below import prjcp, only O"' ffl j, j S5c to $1.00 marljflcent Jmpprtcd walstipg novelties, high- I j j art etamlnea with mercerised and' embroidered dos or I " figures, colors are white, with cVcry color embroidered j j effects, also 'white and black?; now priced 0 if I' l at, p,er yard ..ttV!' I li A 16-Foot, Tablf Filled With Fine 1 " H WASH GOODS REMNANTS, j ; AT HALF-PRICE AND" SS. W Short ends of nearly qvery wash goods Jtabrlc carried I j in syockb03 this season, will be found amopg lhl3 great collection in lengths for waists, skirts, and entire IB, , dres'seB. " All colors and styles. See them. They are per- li , feet snaps. I A Spocial Weik's Sale on j hjH Summer r rn TQ I I ; WasK...&IMI& id i ! Twp styles, made pf duck, black and navy, with I 1 jH white dots, trlmrned lengthwise or ypke effect 1 J with solid color duck1 to rrtstch. Pleated flafr-c, 1 j One flttjng, sold regularly for J-iCj IE special pi,JD LACE CURTAINS 1 Stock Badly irpken Up after the 1 , Clearance SI.' Odd Pairs, J fH Some 2 and three Pairs J pf a Kii, Only I Again Gut In Price. ! Muslin curtains, trimmed with ruffles, y -y I 60c Values, per pair JJdW , H 75c Nottingham curtains, odd lots, 'y Q 1 j cut to, per palr'Il f 1 ,H $1.35 Notlngham Jacc curtains, odd 7 C I lots, 'now cut jtoi per pair' . .V. J 1 , 2.00 Nottlnghanis, odd pairs, now (t ir I ', 'H " cut tb, per pair . . pi. yv g ' tM ?3,C0 NotUngliams,' rloh and "desirable ' -jf nnmH |