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Show You hove alw&yj meant to jj buy a STEINWAY Piano- ( t that your ideal. You don't I know how the idea came to you that Steinwayi arc the best, We can tell you. It b i PuMic Opinion No ope told you so. The jj ' world iay io. and when the Steinway goes home you will know why better every day. l bOLD ONLT BY l Clayton Music Co: I 109 Main St New Store. l Green, Fancy, Imported, Telephones: nd Staple Groceries, No. 964 Fish, Cured Meats, c No. 965 Poultry, Etc. No. 966 W. S. HENDERSON, 267-269-271 South Main St., SALT LAKE CITY, - - - - UTAH. Wholesale. ' Wholesale Trade Retail. Especially Solicited. i $r Dr. Cook Cores Men j 9 Iffl 1 VARICOCELE. j I imC&. 1 1 enro ttala dlaoaeo without opora- D aeJ or pain, and under my treat- I II Ssfcm ySfe rf?ii? mont tho oonftoatod condition m SSf IRSfl&j (within ten days) disappears. Tho II Ise i?51 parts aro restored to thotr natural m W condition, vigor and strength, and .yiwrasi circulation re-eatabllBhcd. 9 L$mmW3tw$i 1 euro otxlcturo without tho knlfo IN ipiWpji or instrument by an application jj B 1 . ' tW which acta dlroctly iSi the part af- ? I A Jk f'ectod, dlQsolvlng tho atrlcturo jj H y completely. My troatmont Is pain- f n ojflBtSv JBlev eaa n0WB0 'norcrcs "W'th . mmS ImWm loss or manly vigoh, i; RB a aE4tf?gKlHEWR!fffW You may bo lacking In tho power m fljft. XTsfSMwR wf of manhood. If so, 1 will restoro r I ffywfltk vSBfmffSBKsKS ' to you the enap, vim and vigor oi I M BSmHmcWBSmi. vitality, tho loea or whloh may bo m gm KmjmmvJSfuJ' tno result of lndiaorotlona, wc- i M vv uwilffitffltiwiP cesses and unnatural weakness. 1 1 WS PRIVATE DISEASES. I Newly contracted caseB cured. 1 1 All burning a'nd Itching, Inflamma- f tlon and unnatural discharges r . -p. ' etopped In 24 hours, cures effected i W. A. COOK, II, m 7 days, 1 I CHRONIC DISORDERS , CONTAGIOUS i OF MEN CURED BLOOD POISON I I Eucccoofully treat all unnatural It may be in itn primary otago; It y 1 utu"""'""jr may havo been hereditary or con- ) M Weaknesses, Drains, AITectMi tracted In early days. 1 stop lja 9 Parts, Nervous Doblllty, Piles, Fls- progress, eradicate oyery vctlge of 1 tula Hydrooole, Rupture, Eczema, uotHon from tho system nnd this j I Blood and Bklri Diseases, Kidney, without the ubo of mercury or pot- J I Dladdor and Prostatic Diseases. aah. t COOK MEDICAL C0, 1 Write Tor Symptom BlanU for Rome treatment. I . 116 SOUTH MAIN. j OUR SECOND ANNUAL . I i'l j One Wek,Xommencirig 9 !il j FINEST CHANCE YET TO BUY 1 '1 SkJlik. SUMMER I l To Got tho Right "Weight, tho Right P 1 mMM i ' ' CHoth, the Right Style and to PT 1 ll i wilffflff'' finfl ' ot a- tking wrong wifh a single S ' yX lb j. JifJ i ' ' j J ' 1 'i v 1 "e ctories were winding up (M VMV I ill ill1 1 Ai their season. Thoy wanted to get to I fiY?CCn'' ' mmu ' l ISj I I l work on fall goods, anpl tho quicker ill Ul'lDs ! Hull lltA" ? they C(?uld make the turn' the better V M ; lvw)l ' - A U WVK V for them. THEY LET US HAVE Vv $a ' m' " s tmmu H H WW '' 'Irffl luL V THE SURPLUS LINE AT A LOSS. j ? 'mmt Y ffilH4v ll V They preferred Z. C. H. I. because wp mAPT' J : 1 C"4iVk I could take nil they had. So you rnny ijijf ' ' I i fts:i v I expect a wonderful variety at way OJffSW V ii l Wy0r k ' under regular prices, and not a waist ltokWls) mm I 0SA yQlJ that isn't right up to the latest styje. Wsfls&M " mm rm j) WHITE LAWN" WAISTS, tucked and IavI 1 Mm Itil'll ' embroidered, and Madras in white fro J . H '' ' i a ii black figures all sizes hun- ' l Yv - 'B 1 ' 11 If l yWA dreds to choose from never sold v if") M ' IH p B-jWI below i-25 to S2.50 Uk ' 1 I , I 'V- Pioneer Sale Pricp o5 H i j "QBISSIA" WAISTS t?S3x HALF PRICE I l V SHIRT WAIST SUITS and long and short KIMONAS. Your choice of tho entire line at 50 cents I aJ on the dollar. j . GREAT OFFERING IN' RIBBONS SESS08-. I'M g No. 51 Inch wide, regular 7c 5c t No. 12 finches wide, regular 15c nc H g No. 7 l'i Inches wide, regular 10c 7c No. 1G 2', inches wide, regular 20c 14c m Jl R No. 91 Inches wide, regular 12',-c 9c V No. 22 IVz Inches wide, regular 2Ec 17Q H Mi TH ? " ' i Clearance Sale of i Domestics. ; Including Summer . Goods for light, cool, comfortable wear 3 serviceable aa well as pretty. i Plenty here attractive and i tasteful will help wonderfully . ln making vacation a happy time. Prices never more inter- eating a saving on everything. J Many styles, colors and quall- i! ties, all of the very latest de- 3 signs. Linen Dress Goods 5 20c Linen Dress i-ff t Goods iDr '! 35c Linen Dreas HOC 5 Goods "yr J -10c Linen Dres-s 'l(t r. Goods m My LQc Linen Drea3 -rif r o.oods 3y LACES A SALE OF UNUSUAL IN- 'j TEREST. i Real and Imitation Cluny, i j Wood Fibres in Black and Cream, Antique, Yaks, all at J HALF PRICE I C3c Linen Dress -. Goods DOT , 7Cc Linen Dre?s i n ff Goods 4"r $1.25 Linen Dress Ar-f Ooods u5r 25c Scotch inrf Suitings lpr 30c Scotch suitings v. yr NOVELTY SUITING - C5c value OOr TARBET CLOTH ir.rf 30c -kind, for 5r NUB SUITING reg- T ular 25c, for 'Or NEW ENGLAND HOMESPUN, rpr?.lue: Sf SCOTCH ZEPHYR at HALF PRICE. Fasinette Suiting 'M 60 qpallty or 1 I for 25r I . jM 35c Quality rr-ff- I 1 . 11 for 5f I SILK ZEPHYR rog- - ff S I ular G5c, for OOr v ZEPHYR GINGHAM A A I 1 27-lhch, 10c value .... V4r 1 COLORED WASH CHIFFONS, I JM grade 33 j- 1 PERCALES 3C-inch , A I j 15c kind i32r I L SUMMER QUILTS The en- 1 '11 tire line at a reduction qf 20 per w 1 riH cent. H ' HAMMOCKS Remarkably j i MW low prices will prevail In Ham- i mocks for thu Pioneer' Sale Good H L ! ?IH Htrong ones, made for use. H EXTRA SPECIAL FOR PIONEER SALE J 'il From an overstocked manufacturer we have purchawd two lots- of plegant H il'i 1mm laces and offer them on, Tuesday next at less than cost to manufacture. 1 '11 LOT NO. 1. ' ' B p 1 Vcplce Lace Galloon and Medallions. Butter, Arabian and White, Ip H regular values 25c to 75p yard; on Tuesday while they la9t l5r H fi ! LOT NO. 2. I J ; Black Chantllly Galloons, worth 10c to 25o a yard, while ft. I " j they last'... ,t bf I . W H MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S , 1 j' LW CLOTHING, SHOES AND FURNISHINGS 9 I For summer wear at Prices which will make you happy. m . HH j (whero the new S500O fronf is being H iidiH S and EVERYTHING you may need for an outing of any kind. erected), you can have for the asking I ft If it's St. Louis, our TRUNK DEPARTMENT will interest you. VrMkNmhinc inrl TnnfhniVHrc I ' mm K We sell only Good Trunks and Valises. So good wo haven't JTrcontipKinS 300 i OOllipiCKS L lM h seen any one match them at our prices. Our trunk department H I jj lH E is measuring up to its fu'U stature now. Hardly any kind of for your outing. Call any day between g I ' B a trunk, any size or any slinpe, wo can't supply you with., 8 a. m. and midnight. jt IH 1 Vh QREAT 1 'il I 0 J Money Saving Inducement f"lf I I 7 Lry or a m'ted time only, our entire 'm$iMtgik m ' fH stock of oxford ties; also misses' and Ngjg' . I I1 M ' jO children's slippers at greatly reduced 'WKBpjg H jj 3 POR CASH - I II J&Z . . . I ! mpmr jnMTn: -f, I 9 Jar f MMMm , W , W 1 1 UTAH'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE ; T x 1 4 mm I rEVERYTHINO- AT HONEST PTiC-twS&. T Qs WEBDER,Su?ljIHJlNDtHT. I iMH 3 - , a r1 mm |