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Show I3F YOU DRINK BEER, gel the BEST, that's BECKER'S. OgUen's favorite. Nono other Just so good, -iC.mark Kunrnntees ABSOLUTE ABSO-LUTE PURITY nnd perfection. Brewed H? $ fanC5t and most modern 1 rowary in the Weil, by BECKER BREWING & MALTING CO. Box 20S. Telephone ia?. QgUen. Utah. I STILL THE BEST. The Columbia eiub P.erfecto Cigar MAC DAVIDSON, Maker. OGDEN, UTAH. I. KUCHLE1 & SONS. I Wholesale Cigars. 1 I DRINK S IDRN - RR NATURAL LITIIIA WATER I "Makes everything jjood." I IESL&olatdbjiUcraJI Ogden'a finest cafe. Lcmp's beer on i draught. 2ViS Washington Ave. LEEDOM fc PATT1SON, Prop. H STHNLEY BROS., I (?MARDliE. GRANITE and STONEtt 1 gYARD. 2112 WASHINGTON AVE. THE WpaiTE ELEPHANT. Finest club rooms in tho West. Flrst-H Flrst-H class cafe and billiard hall In connection. B Trout ponrl in window. At 320-322-32'J 26th H r.trH-t. Ogdcnt Utah. THE RANCH SALOON. BAERMEISTER BllOS., Props. bIbbbbbB pcc,nl Kruff s Omaha lleer on draught B V inec, llguora, cigars. 2C5 Twenty-fourth street, Ogden, Utah, AT THE HOTELS. The Cullen. Among yesterday's guests at tho Cullen Cul-len were; G. K. Morse. Bellingham, Whsh.; G. W. Driver. G D. Sprlght, Ogden; Og-den; S. B. Chapman. R. L. Taylor, American Amer-ican Fork; A. D. MacLc.in, Price; E. W. Grlffutcs. Ogdon; B. A. Atkinson, Nova-da; Nova-da; J. Wood and daughter. Callente, Nov.; F. Collstrlck, Moapa. Nov.; W. G-Ronald, G-Ronald, Seattle; James Chrlstenson. John Metier. Richfield; B. Lornton. L. W. Ilahn. C. P. Prultt. Chicago; II. W. Baum, Denver; C. F. AnnetL Chicago; W. R. McBrldc. Provo; J. E. Oanton. Park City; W. F. Wcldm&n, Mrs. M. Klrkland, Ogden. rgjj ' The best known and most popular blood purifii (SfIr tonic on the marliCt to-day is s- s- s- , , hcAS) There is hardly a man, woman or child in America wh ias not heard of "S. S. S. for tho blood." It is a standard remedy anj 3l specific for all blood troubles and an unequaled spring tonic aud nppetizes Vi S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, the herbs and roots ot which it is ,w composed being selected for their alterative and tonic properties, making i f the ideal remedy for all blood your s g fe .n my oplnlon ia ns pood a med 1 and Skin diseases, as it not cino tmoanbohad; It simply cannot bo improved f ' nnlvTitirJfip and invitroratcs upon us artmody to enrich tho blood and to In- onij purities anu invigor.uu vfrorato ftnd tono up thosystom. Thin sprlngm: the blood, but at the same blood was bad and 1 vno run down in hoalth,anL time tones up the tired nerves Jn?0 ( and strengthens the general condition and mv gnnoral hoalth ia of tho basliy 5v5tem Am flxomnn for a lcrg concern horo, and If I wodU not in rrood phynical condition it would bo im.fO' For Chronic Sores and Ul- ponnibio for mo to fill tho placo. s. s. s.hasbMBj ccrs, Catarrh Rheumatism, fttf&XJ"-1 Ifffefia 4 Blood Poison, Malaria, Ann;- 81D Fifth St., Boavor rolls, Ponn. .1 . mia, Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt 3, Rheum, Tetter, Acne, and such other diseases as are due to a polluted or im-Jr poverished condition of the blood, nothing acts so promptly and effectualljjj as S. S. S. It counteracts and eradicates the genus and poisons ; clpansejjBjf the system of all unhealthy accumulations, and soon restores the patient tof health. If you need medical advice write us about your case, and your lettetf will receive prompt attention from our physicians, for which no charge Ink c made. THE SWffFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GAA ' J SIEGEL'S BIG S. A. C. SALE!! 1 prv WK OFFER THE G RE ATES1 1 f SUIT BARGAINS ON EARTIuW'1 I 0 EXCEPTI0NS pl I TJl?r----w " So ncro s 'our opportunity to get I I r ( tlV0 sulta Ior 1,10 prico of one. I Jm The HiSkest Type of t I N. High Art Tailoring g Vet Produced. 1 i "n7rj feSS?" Including every stylo of suit ap- gg 8 jtlW'M ffSyivw ProvcJ D' fashionable dressers Tho 8 8 Mwrt ' iWkrj bSt rnakeB of tne b!st mflkors, All p 1 ISil 'SfS'' !i$i5 this season's fine creations In a ikj. fl vvrjfcv ttiiPh practically limitless variety. And V. I ' lufti 5'0U BCt th ch0,ce f thom Ql1' i W y i ! u J16.60 and C1S.C0 SUITS .5)0.75 ji m PL $25.00 SUITS I3.45 If SSI ik Lot J-J27.50. W.00 and QA ''M w ?35.O0 SUITS IO.O5 All Straw eefJBiS 1 J Half Price. 'ISglKS Display. J I Glj 03) 65 1Inin street. ' ! FOR SALE. I j MRS. E. O'BEILLY DESIRES TO 1 j I , HETIRE FROir BUSINESS, AND I,' f I t ' OFFERS FOR SAIE HER LONG f- I I - ESTABLISHED CLOTHING- STORE, t J 210 UAIN STREET, "WITH LONG i I -v LEASE. SPLENDID OPPORTTI- r j I I ? NITY FOR INVESTMENT. BEST j j I LOCATION IN SALT LAKE CITY, 1 I UTAH. h 9 ' ; , f' J GREAT SALE j $ I it I WU1 1)0 continue(1 Monday morning, S I Rartiui' July'n 918:30 'QoW II &AM $25 Suits will go at Ly $9.50. :l g Underwear, Shirts, Hats, Boys' Clothing, etc., all muot go at ! raj deeply cut prices. BUY AND SAVE MONEY. I BARTON & CO., ii' M ONE PRICE TO ALL. 45-47 MAIN. 1 1 Thomas Ashworth, soloist at Saltalr today. , |