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Show - BUTTE SAVED BY RAINSTORM. Spoknne-Butto Game Called in tho Fifth Inning. Spcclnl to Tho Tribune. BUTTE, Mont , July 12.-A heavy downpour down-pour of inln stopped the gamo In tho fifth Inning, saving tho day for Butte. The score was 6 to 2 In favor of Spokana, wfio tried to get through tho fifth Inning toj make tho game! Thla uevolopcd a peculiar pe-culiar state. Butto tried not to put out one and Spokano tried to get out. J. fio rain fell In torrents and further nt-teinnt nt-teinnt was useless. It woh a good gamo to the fourth Inning, when honorn wero even. It was too dark then to Judge well and tho visitors plied up llvo runs. Sporcr and Drlnkwater wero In the box. l.hero were several lines on account of njonkey business In tho fifth. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Standing of tho Clubs. P. W. L. PC. Jscw lork 71 52 19 .732 Chicago 63 41 25 ,C33 Pittsburg 64 3S 26 .5DC Cincinnati t 69 40 29 .579 SL Louis 65 30 29 .51 Brooklyn 65 29 36 .440 Boston 74 26 4S .350 Philadelphia 67 IS 49 .209 Yesterday's Games. Cincinnati 1, New York 7. . I SL Louis 4, Brooklyn 0. t Chicago 5. Boston 3. , Plttsburg-Phlladolphla postponed; rain. Today's Games. New York at Cincinnati. Brooklyn at St. Louis. Boston at Chicago. Philadelphia at Pittsburg. St. Louis, 4; Brooklyn, 0. ST. LOUIS. July 12. Brooklyn was whitewashed today In a game In which the visitors mado but flvo hits. St. Louis hit Cronln freely and held a safe lead after the second inning. Attendance, 29(0. Score; R. II. E. St. Louis 020 002 00 4 10 1 Brooklyn .....000 000 000 0 '5 1 Batteries Taylor and Zearfoss; Cronln and Bcrgon Tworbaso hit, Burkott. Three-base hit, Bccklcy. Struck out, by Taylor 4, by Cronln Cro-nln 1. BaseB on balls, off Taylor 3, off Cronln 2. Umpire Zlmmcr. Cincinnati, 4; New York, 7. CINCINNATI. July 12. New York 'defeated 'de-feated Cincinnati In a ten-Inning game today. to-day. The contest was devoid of special feature. Attendance, 1400. Score: R- H. E. Cincinnati 000 200 020 0 4 C 3 New York 010 000 210 3 7 11 1 Batteries Hahn and Pcltz; Mnthewson and Bowerman. Two-baso hlls. McGann, Devlin, O'Dell. Mertes. Three-baso hits, Seymour, Mertes. Malhewson, Dovlln. Base on balls, off Mathewson 2. Struck out, by Hahn 5, by Mathewson 4. Umpires, Emsllo and Johnstone. Chicago, 5; Boston, 3. CinCAGO, July 12. Wilson held the locals lo-cals safe until the eighth Inning, when they scored four runs. Boston could not hit Lundgrcn successfully except In tho first and sixth Innings. Attendance, 2100. .Score: ' R- II. E. Chicago 000 0)0 14 5 9 1 Boston 200 001 000 3 7 3 Batteries Lundgren nnd Kllng, Willis and Necdhnm. Two-has hits, McCarthy, Coolcy. Struck out, by Lundgren 6, by Willis 2. Base on balls, off Lundgrcn 3, off William 2. Umpire. O'Day. Results in a Draw. LONDON, July 12. The cricket match between Haverford (Pa.) and Winchester colleges resulted In a draw, as It was un-fnlKhcd un-fnlKhcd at tho close of today's play. In their Inning yesterday Winchester scored 440 runs for eight wickets and this morning morn-ing the Americans wero sent In to bat. They mado 17S runs In their llrst Inning and 252 runs for nine wickets In the second sec-ond Norrls carried his bat for 147 runs. WESTERN LEAGUE "j" ,u Denver, 0; Dos Moines, 3. DENVER. Colo.. July 12. The llrst gan.i of tho new series was won by Denver to-Gay. to-Gay. Denver's part was played without error. Scoro; R. II. E. Denvor 0(0 320 10 C 13 0 Dcs Moines 001 001 001 3 10 0 Batterioj? Vollondorf and Lucia; Hoffor and Towne. Rain Provents Gamo. COLORADO SPRINGS, July 12.-Colo-rado Sprlnsa game postponed; rain. St. Joseph, G; Sioux City, 2. ST. JOSEPH, July 12.-Scoro; R. If. E. st. Joseph on oio oo an 1 Sioux City 103 1)00 001 2 3 2 Batteries Clark and McConnell; Constat Con-stat and Ward. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Seattlo, 2; Portland, 3. SEATTLE, Wash.. July 12. Portland won by timely hitting and Seattle's errors. er-rors. Score; i R. H. E. Seattlo (00 COO 002 2 S 3 Portland 000 200 00 J 3 S 3 Batteries Hughes and Wilson; Butler end Shoa. Umpires McCarthy and McDonald. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. At K.'inoas City Kansas City, 4; Toledo, To-ledo, 2. At Minneapolis Minneapolis, 2; Columbus, Colum-bus, i. At Milwaukee Milwaukee, 4; Indianapolis, Indian-apolis, 5. At St. Paul-St Paul, 4; Cleveland, 4. Joins Springfield Team. Elmor Meredith loavcH In tho Rook Island Isl-and through car today for Davenport, la., where he will Join tho Springfield team of tho Threo I's league. Caddies' Golf Tournament. The second day of the annual caddy tournament at tho Country club was productive pro-ductive of somo close matches and excellent excel-lent scores The match of the day was between Leslie Evans and Harry Crane They wore even up and one to play when Evans knocked his ball over In tho trees, with the result that Crane captured the hole, and the match. Tho winners of yesterday's games were Harry Crane, Harry Beverldgc, Merton Reed, Vcstor Laubly and Lawrence Standing. Stand-ing. The firm four-named will piny again today. Lawrence Standing drew the lucky 3traw and waits over until Thursday, Thurs-day, when tho trio will play again to settle l he question of championship. Threo of tho winners of yesterday's matches arc scratch men, two aro handicap players. Young Standings otherwise known as "Peanuts." Is still In the contest with a handicap of 16. and from present appearances appear-ances It looks as though ho had fair chances of winning. Young Standing Is only 12 years old and Is tho smallest caddy In tho tournament, but ho handles tho club like an expert. Tho scores of the winners In yesterday's matches aro as follows: Harry Crano, 52; Harry Beorldge, 40; Vester Laubly. CO; Merton Reed, 4S; Lawrence Standing, 56. The winner of tho tournament will receive re-ceive a gold medal from F. E. McGurrln. A number of other prizes have also been oertred by Mr. Holman. who Is chairman of the greens committee. The caddies have paired up as follows for today's contest: Horry Crane and Harry Beverldgc, Merton Reed and Vester Laubly. Harlem Entries for Today. Spcdal to The Trlbuhc. HARLEM RACE TRACK, July 12. Tho entries for Wednesday are as follows: First race, selling, six furlongs: Duskv 97 Olympian 120 Llda 'Lelb 91 Redman 100 Mabel Winn 10S Jackfull llf Mansard 115 Sad Sam Ill Geranium 'A Ethel Abbott ....92 Groat Eastern ...102 Mary McCaiYcrty.lul Shipping Port .. 103 Potrero Grande. .102 Second race, six furlongs: Mario Frances . . OS Beforo 101 Investigation . .101 Dixie Lud 103 Proprietor 101 Third race, stcoplcchace handicap, short course: Golden Link 142 Cardigan 140 Klngalong 132 Leo Planter 159 Falella 132 Handvlce 147 Fourth nice, one mile and a sixteenth: Huzzah 104 English Lad 101 Wltfull 97 SouCrlcre SG Fifth rnce, fivo furlongs: McGee 10$ Ned Turpln 105 Ethel Day 105 Devout ICS Flaxman USAlIon Avon 110 Prince Bruluq ...ICS Bologna 130 Mary Eleanor 105 The Gadlly 103 Double 10? Gold Enamel 113 Uncle Charlej ..ICS Foxy Grandma ..105 Clara Berry 105 Mum 105 Sixth race, selling, one mllo: Watermelon iO Langford James . 91 Golden Mineral ..101 Klelnwood 102 Edward Halo ....109 Ryevalo .94 Dotermlnntlon .... 92 Sweetie 69 ! Pr. of Pllscn.... 10! Woods Perry Kl Leila 92 Falernlan 102 At St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, July 12 Fair grounds summary sum-mary First race, six furlongs, selling Tally H won. Bountiful second, Jlmalong third Time, 1:21. Second race. live furlones. purse Erla Leo won. Layson second, Besterllng third. Time, l:05i. Third race, six furlongs, selling Benson hurst won, Baggerly second, Alice Turner third, ilmc, 1.20. Fourth race, mile and a sixteenth, handicapJack han-dicapJack Young won, Taby Tosa second. sec-ond. Flying Torpedo third. Time, l-.53. Fifth race, mile and three-sixteenth, selling Boaster won, Miss Eon second. Goo Goo third. Time. 2:23. Sixth race, six furlongs, selling J. W. O'Nell won, Blissful second, Trapsetter third Time. 1 20. |