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Show - CjI. and Mrs. Edwin F. Holmes will re-colve re-colve tho guests at tho Informal dance at the Country club tomorrow evening. Assisting As-sisting In entertaining will be Miss Mc-urath, Mc-urath, Miss MoCornlck. Miss Sherman, Miss Laura Sherman, Miss Kinney, Miss Emily Read, Miss Harriet Holmos, Miss Graco Emory. Miss Lcta McMlllnn, Mfes Elizabeth Mclntyrc, Miss Alleen Maclean, Mac-lean, Miss Helen Qlllesple. Miss Annette Ferguson, Miss Alice Goodwin, Miss Elizabeth Eliz-abeth Cosgriff, Miss Geddes, Miss Zanc, Miss Snllsbury, Miss Miller, Miss Marge Miller, Miss HoUlsior Hancock. ... , A very charming Informal muslcalo was that given at the home of Mrs. David Keith last evening, when about twenty-five twenty-five friends had the pleasuro of hearing Mrs. Martha Royle-King sing, and a real pleasure It was. Tho programmes was well suited to bring out the full beauty of tho voice, which was probably never heard to bettor. If as good, advantage. Mrs. Keith's home Is admirably arranged for just such an entertainment as that given last evening, which was one of the very plcaaantest of tho smaller events of tho summer. Mrs. King was accompanied by Mrs. W, F. Loomls, ihan whom there is no better In iho city, her work lending an additional charm to that of the singer. Among the numbers rendered by Mrs. King were: "Sleep, My Southern Babe," "April Rain." "I Attempt from Love's Sickness to Fly," "A Norwegian Plaint," "Tho Train to Poppyland," "Under tho Rose." "Julia's Garden" and "Snow-'P.akes." "Snow-'P.akes." Tho lullabies, especially, wcro beautifully sung and received with great favor. At tho close of the programme Mrs. King and Mrs. Loomls were presented present-ed with beautiful clusters of pink and whlto roses by the hostess. Included among tho guests of the evening were Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Salisbury. Mr and Mrs. J. E. Dooly. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Daggett. Mr. and Mrs. II. G. McMillan, Dr. and Mrs. D. Mooro Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. James X. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. GaliKher, Mrs. James W. ICelll, Miss Violet Nelll. Mrs. James Hoglc. Mrs. J. S. Ferguson. Miss Annette Ferguson, Miss Woodward, Mrs. J. C. Royle, MaJ. Harry u. 11111. Mrs. S. H. Babcock and two children of this cltv arc now. at Manltou. Colo., where they have taken a cottage for the remainder re-mainder of tho summer. At present they have as their guents Mrs. Samuel Adams and little daughter of Denver. Later Mrs. Adams will come to Salt Lake for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. G. McMillan. Dr. and Mre. C. Fred Plnkerton arc now at homo to their friends at 3C3 South West Templo street. e Mrs. A. V. McCunc. Jr., was hostess at a small and Informal tea yesterday afternoon. after-noon. Clifford Plnkrton of Matoon. 111., will be the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Plnkerton at their West Temple street home for the next two months. II. P. Mason has returned from a pleasure pleas-ure trip to California. Mrs. Mason Is still there and will not return until spring. Very enjoyable was the Informal hop at tho Post last evening In honor of the nr.-tlllery- officers who leave today for Straw berry valley. In addition to the officers and ladles of the post, the dance was enjoyed en-joyed by a number of friends from town. Mrs. William A. Nelden will entertain at an luformal breakfast Frldav morning In honor of Mrs. Graves of St Paul. Minn. Mrs. Graves Is very prominent In the ?o-clal ?o-clal and club life of St. Paul', and 1 spending spend-ing a few weeks at tho Knutaford, In company com-pany with Mr. Graves. Many old friends are greeting Mrs. J. T. Andrus, formerly of this city, but now of Lcwlston, Mont. Mrs. Andni3 will be a guest at the homo of Mrs. Charles G. Plummer for the. remainder of July. . a Mrs. S. D. Sturgls and two chlldron loft yesterday for St. Paul, Minn., to be away until fall. - Dr. and Mrs. Buchcr, Mrs. A. II. Stttlo, Miss Emily Cannon and Walter Llttlo aro homo from a ten days' fishing trip In Weber We-ber canyon. Mrs. E. A. Wilson leaves this week for a trip to tho world's fair. Miss Ettta Powers and brother, Judgo Powers of Denver, leave today for a trip to Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nocdhnm leave today to-day for a six weeks' trip to St. Louis, New York and other Eastern cities. Members of the P. I. X. club were entertained enter-tained Informally yesterday afternoon at the home of Miss Mary Sharp, tho guest or honor being the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Royal Romney. The little lit-tle ono was the recipient of a numbir of beautiful gifts, Including rings, pins, bonnets, bon-nets, dresses, oto. The afternoon was very Informal and was enjoyed by Mrs. Richard Rich-ard Royal Romney. Mrs. Frederick Sinclair, Sin-clair, Mrs. Ewlng of Colorado, Miss Eveline Eve-line Thomas, Miss Ella Mantor. Miss Jennie Jen-nie Lynn. Miss Annie Adams, Miss Daisy Raybould, Miss Pearl Wcllor, ailss Marge Ellerbcck. Miss Farroll of Omaha, Miss Gcrtrudo'Meyer, 'Miss Alma Young. Miss Lulu Gates loft ycstordiy fr.r a vis-It vis-It of several weeks with friends In l'rovo canyon. The Social Sixteen club will enjoy an oullnir at Lagoon tomorrow. The Misses Clark of St. Paul aro visiting visit-ing In Salt Lake, guests at Rowland hall. Miss Phil Pointer arrived In tho city from Salt Lake City Sunday afternoon to loin her mother. Mrs. S. R. Pointer, at her home on Whlto's avenue. Miss Pointer came home by way of Chicago, where sho met a party of Now York, friends. Sho has always been ono of tho most popular members of Owenaboro society, and her many friends will bo pleased to learn of her return to the city. Chvensboro (Ky.) Messengor, . Miss Mabel Clark, daughter of Justice Frank Clark, returned yesterday from Payette, Ida., where sho has "been for the past month spending her summer vacation. vaca-tion. Mrs. James Adams and family loavo this week for Brighton for a month's visit . Tho family of H. O. Whitn2y will go to Brighton the latter part of the week to occupy their collage thero for tho remuln-. dor of the summer. |