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Show AN ORDINANCE.- T" MobES. POSTS AND FENCES ON SM c0UNTy HIGHWAYS. JmlntBlnln5 .'X poles; and bltch-WM bltch-WM eur"'iha"di hos and other posts. ffi'rdCo of; the "j hi..hwivq etc. forty-five rect llHlw i and a half feet from the center therc-wfloT therc-wfloT on four-rod highways, etc.. tent-?M?iVi. tent-?M?iVi. feet from the cerrtor thereof; and aoaw of two feet outsldo of tho curb MMaRne P on the side thereof farthest from JSWtta 'center of the street. Is hereby des Ig-taSafnaled Ig-taSafnaled as . tree space. In tho center of which ('litrees may be planted. ?Sfe Electric light or other poles for car-- car-- lUHt.g electric current for commercla pur-TTOfooses pur-TTOfooses (except telephone telegraph or frallway poles) shall be set In tho' sarno as telephone and telegraph poles 4NK3oiie the said curb line, nnd also, upon IKr of the Board of County Comm.s-llsloners, Comm.s-llsloners, may be set Centering alone a SfeBWno fcur feet nearer, the center of the SsSMjttreet than the- said curb line; provided. jKhat when the said electric light pole , OKire used also for carrying wires for e.'oc-iJMHJtrlc e.'oc-iJMHJtrlc railway purpc, thoy may be ect sStflrce and a haif feot;from the rail licai-ifSmcrt licai-ifSmcrt Iho center of the street on a single i2irack main linn on four-rod highways. BKnd on all highways moro than four rods AJ5BlIile thev may bo sot three nnd a haif SKfeet om the roJl farthes: from the cn-afcWtir cn-afcWtir of tho street on a single track main SBTtallwav polas, for carrying wires for jMPe-tric railway . purposes, shall be set ?jBW,yitv r on tho curb line as for telephono Scwnoir. or upon permission therefor ob-titned ob-titned irom the Board of County Com-'Wnlrsloners, Com-'Wnlrsloners, thrco and a half feet from the jalh nearest tho center of the ' street ca a single trade rriain line on four-rod pilghways. nnd three and a half feel from lithe rail farthest from the center of tho 'street on a single track main line on all Ihlchways moro than four rods wldo. I Ifl But no tolophone, telegraph, electric light, railway or other pale for carrying Vires to convey electric current, shall bo !jct on any public highway In Salt Lake I, county without permission or a grant of Itricht of way therefor being first obtained tfrcm the Board of County Commissioners, f! Hitching posts and posts for carrying )cr holding mall boxes, shall bo set either lIa tho tree Space hereinbefore named, or reentering along a lino four feet nearer the Knter of tho street than tho curb lir.s mlicrclnbeforo designated; provided, that on Htwc-rod lanes the said posts shall be set Jfelcven fect from the center of the lane. l"and tho curb line oa two-rod lanes Is thereby located twclvo and a half feot .from the center of ald lanes. Sign posts on public highway-'. tc.. ilfhall be s"t only In the spaco Designated flfs trci space, but no signboard shall be .twrrclttcd to extend across any sidewalk 'tit a less height than twelve feet above HJtt level of said sidewalk, or acrous any ftjcrtlon of tho roadway at a less height Mthan twenty fcot above tho level of said il Tencc posta may be set along th fenco Slice, which Is hereby designated as dls-Itint dls-Itint from tho center of any hlghwaj . lane-, fjllc,. not less than Half the survoyed and flatted width) of said highway, lane, etc l:o publh highway, road or street In Salt -.JJLafcc county being regarded ns surveyed jjjind platted less than four rods, or sixty -'MRlx feet. In width; 'andflt shall bo 'un-UwfuI 'un-UwfuI to place or maintain any fence or yMmt Julldlng the face of which is nearer the JBi5nt,;r If any highway, lane. etc.. than Hlthelloe herein designated as the fenco line HHE1 Section 2. It snap be uniawml to set.' anjplac? cr maintain any telephone, tele- .ipn, eiecinc ugnt or current, or a-all-iy pole, or tree, or hitching, inanr ajgi.-other ajgi.-other post Tcxcopt fence), which Is set on property abutting on any public Shway. lane, ate In Salt Lake county a point nvarer to the fenco llns than nteilng one foot therefrom on the sldtf rthatroini the center of the strict; or, otltiA- worav-Any nearer to the center in hlghway.ane, etc., than center rat a point one foot moro than half : survcjrd and iu.tted width of,, said ;hwcy, lanr, etc., from said center; and shall bo unlawful to set or maintain y hitching, sign or other post on any ey or trail less than two rods In width wiihtn cnc-hnlf foot outside of tho ter limit thereof, lection 3, It In hereby j-ovlded that y grunt or pei mission 'hereafter given ei telephone, telegraph or electric light les upon any of thcyiptibllo highways. ., In Salt Lakeicountysiiall bo made bject to the reservation. whether or I eald reservation Is specifically set th !n the grant or permission, that :er.ercr the Board of County Comml3-ner3 Comml3-ner3 8hal dceti It necessao' for tho bile good or rervfee, the said county ill have the ifcht to placo cro3 -arms said poles, and to string one set of res thereon, for furnlnhinK electric cur-lt cur-lt qnd light to" Salt Lake county, and use nnd operate the same during tho rlod of Fueh grant or permission, with isonablo regard for tho rights of said icctlon 4. It ts hereby mnde the duty eupervlsora Of road districts t6 treat obstructions to public hlghVjavs all Ic-j, riStH, fences, etc.. sot or placed In lat!on of th- terms of this ordinance. UCuCil vny person vlolatln'sKny of 0 provisions of sections one tind two ' this ordinance shall bo deemed guilty a misdemeanor, ' section 0. Thl ordinance shall be In :e.ct on and after July 21, JSW, this date lng not less than fifteen dayn after Its issage Passed this Cth ddy-of July. A. T. 1504. immissloncrs JamesH. Anderson. AV1I-im AV1I-im Wr. Wilson oud Henry N. Standlsh Lch unci all voting "aycl&. (Seal) JAS. II. ANDERSON, halrmin Board of Count Commlssl6n-jrs, Commlssl6n-jrs, . & , l Uten: John Jamca, p'jJg. x'57 KJ 5t5?Th';trlct of ITtdH. 'mhaAn- John A" lVahall. Judged mik Sffic0rfV?h-tho rted statci IKoUyWh.? V'imaiiac-n of Salt Lalfa r,Kwie iiftB?!ra73,8trlcr'- r'Wctfullylrep-, BlKat mp- hi S? ,hf-Mth diyot February-IHundor February-IHundor l' 2 ns duU' ailJ'li-ed bankrupt 8KanL,.a ?1 J Congrki? relating -U I? nV2 T1 lilaJ 1,0 Surrei1dere,,J all' Whi. W property, arid lBliXr. fn!S .eWne "If bankrOpcy. ' rB'i'rWl Uv?ho '!!; Jiray that bo may bo do-m&to do-m&to a I 5r ht n t0 havanjfull .llseriarge rma undnr Mii kpr?vblc -salnst his 03. ftt&tmB M "alt ,xnkpy acts, except. iuch ioMrdSrehftrftl r'ceptod by law fromueh utjl SIINE, P. GOODMANSE j jj fBf - Bankrupt. Br),'''I'I'I'I' THEHEOK. - ' I N-U T K JT- ic m OttV;-ao ' n rccrv tjiis 'Onitecl Stntea for the iJlatrlct of Utah. In thu Matter of Joseph S. Grow, bankrupt. bank-rupt. No. OH In bankruptcy. Petition for discharge. To the Honorable John A. Marshall, Judge or the District court of the United States for the District of Utahj Joseph S. Grow of Salt Bake City, In tho county of Salt Lake and State of Utah. In said district, respectfully represents repre-sents that on the 20th day of February last past, he waa duly adjudged bankrupt un-cier un-cier tho acts of Congress relating to bankruptcy; bank-ruptcy; that he duly surrendered all his property and rights of poperiv. and has fully complied with alP tho requlre-rner.taof requlre-rner.taof said acts and oftho orders of tbe court touching his bankruptcy. Whorofore he pr ys thathe may be decreed de-creed by the court 0 havo a full discharge irom all debts pro able agfilnst hla cKinto Under said banki ipt acts, except such debbi as aru exce ted byllaw from sui-h plwcharffe. I F tinted this 12th ihy of .Jiily, A. D. 1901 V JOSEPHlS. GROW, Bankrupt'. i ORDER OF NOrTcE THEREON I3trict of Utah. 1 1 On thia 12th daf of jfily. A. D. JX ou reading the foregMng petition It Is ' 1 Ordvied by tho court; that u hearing u had Upon the sarno fn the 26th day of July. A. D. 190J. before said court at Salt hake City, in sal'dr district, ' at 10 o'clock f th j fpronoon; and) that notice thereof bp published in Thl- Salt Lake Tribune a ntwsjlapor printed In hald district, and that a! known credltof.s.and other persons in merest may appoV-nt the aald time end Wico rind show cimse If any they have. Miy tho prayer it said petitioner should nil be granted. Ind It is furltfer ordered by the court, U the clerk shull send by mall to all kbwn crcc ItorJ copies of aald pciitlon aU this order, Iduressed to them at their ifces of residence as stated. ptuesa the Honorable John A Marshal! Jpge of said District court, and I he seal tkreot. nt Saft Lake City In s aid dta- tlie 12lh da' of J"'y. A. D. MI Kal A, JER,ROLD R- LETCHER, peal oi Court.) ClorV ty Maigitret Ji. Connoll. Deputy Clerk, j y&7s rr J OJSTRICT COURT OF THE Utod SUte.s for the District- or Utah -rff VoW, ,.f ,P1,1,,n Bern, bank-dft'ilrge. bank-dft'ilrge. I uankr"Ply.-Petltlon ror 1 the lonorablo John A- Mirqimii I iV JHlDltlr,ct cou"t or the United Slii? f()rA District of Utah UCd 1 , D of Salt Lake City in H'T1.. ,EaltLake and State of Utah In uV;l d srlct; respectfully represents r'"1' ,t itk ay of October laat 1 EhA' ntlJeod bankrupt ,U1K V?i cl? ot Congress relating to r"'' U,at 110 ai"' surrendered iMtprty and rights of property ?n has rujy complied with all the rt- ay"ml S'V? ny? a,ldf orders of e cost inching hla bankruptcy. T lorotoV ho prays that ho .nny be dc-cn dc-cn by be court to have a rmi dlB-chi dlB-chi ?e frck '-nil debts provable acalnst hlihitatoider said bankrupt nets "x-cejtauch "x-cejtauch bts as aro excepted by' law froii.fiuch Ischarge. J I Baed thlS2th day. of July, A. D. loai 1, PHILIP 'PERN, Bankrupt.' (RDEpAf NOTICE THEREON. x. Dlfjtldt of Uh. V . OntnlB 13 day of July, A. D. IHM, on rendj-J; tholregoing petlijoii.'.ii is fyOrifred b.Jho court, that a hearing be Ifad 1 hjoji it sarno qn tl 26thduy of ftuly !iV, ' lh,atUr,i said courtat Salt liyakAlate,- ilmld d etrlct,. lit ten 'o'clock i-vp&r.' , A ' !'' 'ju. JiX'i -" r k 10 all J ' ' '. |