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Show Inoculating the Ground. To Inoculato .sterile ground and make it jpl bring forth fruit In abundance is one of H the latest achievements of American IplH science. Sumo of man's most dread dls- H eases smallpox, diphtheria, plague, rabies' AIH have been vanquished by Inoculation, H and now Inoculation Is to cure soil that J has been worn out and make It fertile and J productive again. - SpH The germs that bring fertility aro mailed JBIB by the Department of Agriculture In a H bmall package like a yeast cake. The cake H contains millions of dried germs. Tho , IftpH farmer who receives the cake drops It IIhH Into a barrel of clean water; the germs pH aro revived and soon turn the water to a pH milk' white. Seeds of clover, peas, alfalfai ppj or other leguminous plants that are then, IppV soaked In this milky preparation arc en- BH 'dowed with marvelous strength. Land on, jPpV which, for instance, tho farmer with con-, stant toll had obtained alfalfa only a few' pH inches high, when planted with theso in- VpH oculated seeds will produco alfalfa scv- IppH oral feet high and so rich that the farmer pH docs not recognize his crop. Gilbert H. jpH Grosvenor, In National Geographls Maza-- IppH |