Show DIEB IN THE HARNESS Elder John A Clark the Victim oT Smnllpnx in Turkey Elder John A Clark of Farmmgton died on the 8th day of February at Haifa Hai-fa Turkey of smallpox while filling a mission This was the intelligence contained in a cablegram received by President Woodruff Wood-ruff yesterday morning from President Lund of the European mission It has only been a few years since Elder Edgar W Simmons died at the same place and of the same disease Elder Clark was the son of Ezra T and Susan Legget Clark of Farmlngton He was unmarried and was born Febru cry 23 1S71 He was set apart in this city for the Turkish mission February 2L 1S01 and departed therefor immediately afterwards The deceased was an excellent ex-cellent younzr man worthy of the high confidence placed In him and the news of his death while he was yet on the T threshold of manhood will bo received with universal sadness and regret The sorrowful tidings were communicated to the young mans parents last evening |