Show AT THE GRAND Our Ucsimcnt Presented by the Stock Company Last TVJfflit There was a radical change in the style of performance at he Grand opera house last evening when Frou Fro gave way to Henry Hamiltons charming military comedy Our Begi meat I was a step from the serious seri-ous almost to the farcical and the Very ones who drew tears from our eyes last week convulse us with I laughter this week There Is no doubt that the public will be amused at the piece that Is offered for their enter JCainment during the week There Is j plenty of movement in it and a great deal that is humorous The transposition trans-position of characters and scenes give further Opportunity to judge of the merit of the new members of the company besides affording fresh chances for the others to add to the laurels they have already won Miss Bateman takes the part of a romantic young miss who is smitten with the red coat and gold buttons of an officer cer in the lancers and therein gives I a bright and youthful Impersonation that is full of girlish charm and naiv etc Miss Leigh and Miss Klngsley I form two others of a trio of lovelorn damsels whose affections are torn in twain between admiration for the military tary and the clergy always providing youth and effectionate ardor lead the way tIn the conflicting emotions that assail maidens and lovers the fun and frolic of the piece find sway the course of true love always made to life by the obstinate opposite of pater and mater enacted by Mr Kingstone and Miss Cook respectively Mr Huntington Hunting-ton Lieut VVarrener who would as be blase but cannot because of his overwhelming over-whelming affections is a vastly different dif-ferent creature to the dignified husband hus-band of last week but In the completeness complete-ness with which he has changed from the severe to the lively he proves that he is an actor and not one who like his illustrious predecessor in this company com-pany has to make the play come to terms with his own personality All the participants in Our Regiment1 gave evidence of close study and together gether they gave an ex ellent performance perform-ance even for a first night The piece promises to be a favorite and In spite of a big ball and other counter attractions attrac-tions drew a good attendance |