Show GIVE HIM A BOOST When you seea poor chap who is bent with his load When he Is panting along by the Rocky Hills road Just Rive him a lift through the dust and the sun Through the wind and the sand till the hilltop is won Every pound that you lift will relieve him a ton Just give him a boost Just put his ramshackle old wheel to your breast And lift and dont mind the arrud on your vest For men are so built with such blots In their blood Such kinks In their brains ever since the great flood r < J First made the earth muddy Wey va stuck In the mud fr Then give em a boost No macadamized road is the cart path of doom No boulevard shaded with plum trees in bloom But to many it seems like a scrub pasture pas-ture lane Betwixt Nowhere and Nowhere a journey jour-ney of pain Which begins in the dark and strikes darkness again Than give em a boost Each man builds the highway of life as he goes > > Right through the hot sands and flghfc through the cold snows Ho must blaze his own way through the forests of gloom Through the alderswamps damp for his highway make room And the end of his road ia the floor of his tomb If Then give him a boostj Y < < s give him a boost tis the story of man S To help along man since the planet began be-gan Tls the story of man through the forests of gloom Through the adderswamps damp for some man 0 make room To make smooth his highway way down to hs tomb 4 Then give him a boost |