Show LATE washington NEWS AND governmental proceedings negotiations have bare boon been opened in washington for the esta of 0 an entente cordiale cord lale between the governments ern ments of colombia and concha of colombia and corea of Mear augua are carrying on the negotiations gen jacob 11 smith who arrived a san francisco leco a few dry drys ago ie Is not under orders to report to the adjutant general the ordet heretofore published directed general smith to proceed to hie his home the usual order in case of retired officer officers the navy department will soon call for for a huge floating dock to accommodate a ton batt battleship to be built in the united states and float ed over to the philippines this tills will all be one of the largett floating dry docka docks ever constructed president roosevelt Hoo sevelt has made formal announcement that he liaa has granted the application of the commercial pacific cable company to land a cable on the shores of the united states on the islands of hawaii and guam and in the philippine islands too the treasury department ila has s decided to locate the headquarters of the new washington and alaska internal revenue collection district at tacoma washington B D crocker the tax collector will open ula his office for business bustness ri ess on september lat the monthly coinage statements 10 aued sued by the director of the mint shows that during july 1002 1900 2 the total coinage executed at the mints of the united states was as follows gold double eagles silver aw minor culm president roosevelt has returned tho the papers in the case of alexander G pendleton jr to the war department with an endorsement confirming the sentence of dismissal pendleton was a first class cadet at west point and was found guilty of hazing UP was appointed from arizona commissioner sargent of the immigration bunau boma with the approval of secretary shaw has issued a circular prohibiting the coming to the united states of residents and natives of porto rico and the philippines except after the samo examination aa as Is enforced against other alien immigrants an index of the military policy of the administration is afforded by an order recently issued by general chat fee commanding the division of the philippines by authority of the secre tary of war directing the shipment to the medical supply depot nt t san arrn cisco of all ho hospital spital and medical supplies in the philippines in excess of tle requirements of men for tm twenty en ty years acting postmaster general madden lias has awarded to the bureau of engraving and printing contract for printing nt the adhesive postage stamps and stamp books for the united states for the four a 3 ears cars beginning november ast 1st next the bureau was nas the lowest of 0 two bidders and the price at which it now get the contract la Is less than the amount of its original nl apropo the war witt department is that brig gen samuel S sumner has been relieved from com command mandof of the department part ment of the north philippines and placed in command of the separate brigade as the relief ot of brig gen george AV datis who has hag been ordered to brig gen J prank alln bell lias has ian I 1 cn placed in tempora rf command of the deportment of t the he north philippines stories lo 10 the effect that the winter naval ni in the west indies will involve an immense expenditure figures aa as high as being div en anre denied at he navy department on the cout contrary it la Is pointed out nt at the department nt that these evolutions will viii catall very little additional expense over the lie ordin iry cost of maintenance of vessels in cOmmis commission slon and on crul cruising sing duty the state has made mado nubile reports f from roin A ambassador na white bite nt at derlin dated july anil and that according to an f p atlon the meat inspection law will vill ira into force in its entirety on april 1 IMI 1003 with ith the exception of the tile am ecklon tion which N lilea relates relate to doing away with the second examination of meat only officially inspected tins tills paragraph will go into effect october 1 1001 A recent mall mail from the philippine cont contains nin nn an interesting summary of the tile results of court martial artial in cases 4 in lc 1 e philippine island it show t tant ha t he the access accused d in cases chats ivere orally discharged in alisca forfeit ed pay and allo allowances vances in allt earea buffered suffered in auses ILs were fined and in cases were sen fenced to confinement the charges included murder manslaughter as faults mid rape stoat of tile charger however were for trivial offenses und m were ere based basell upon com coln plain tr luride by entire F 11 the tilt national regnil butchers and meat dealer dealers protective association in easlon at washington adopts resolutions recommending that the tile en eastern stern middle and southern states offer inducements duce du menta cements by bounty bo tinty or dr any other meana for the up building of the live acock industry in those sections I 1 a t ep solutions alzo were ere adopted favoring the repeal of the present national bankruptcy law ns as a hardship on small business a men inen and thanks to attorney general knox and to actor ney general dadles da vice of new for their injunction proceedings ap ignat the so o called beof beef trust the following IS the schedule of 0 rates upon which permission to lay bly a X cable to honolulu Hono luin and awl alli tl philippines hns lins been granted to the cable company Cora pany to charge not exCeed exceeding luft CO 50 cents p r bord word for the transmission rion of messages betten ban an francisco and honolulu anil and to reduce such rate to 35 cents per word nord within two Y yeara cars after the proposed cable between san francisco and honolulu Is in operation to charge not exceeding 1 per w m ord for the transmission of messages bean between een still francisco and manila to c charge large not exceeding 1 word nord for the transmission of messages between san francisco end nd china to be con tent to accept from the united states government half rates for the trans mission of governmental messages secretary shaw has made an important ruling relative to the lon to this country of articles of foreign which aich have once been imported and duty paid thereon at the time of original importation after careful consideration tho the secretary has decided that the privilege of free reentry re entry may be properly accorded to all articles of foreign manufacture or production under proper safeguards for the protection of the revenues reven uca pro vided th articles ac admitted shall not havy havu been advanced in alue or improved in condition while abroad ahe articles should bo be registered with full description at the custom hoube on exp eap atlon and awl a certificate issued to the owner and on their return they must be fully identified as the articles exported the secretary has issued instructions to the collector of customs at new york in accordance with the decision heretofore tho department has held that no matter how many times an article of foreign manufacture was brought into this country it must pay duty each time uwe all the preliminaries have been arranged at the state department for the submission to arbitration at the hague of the plus fund claims case the arbitrators for the united states are sir edward edard fry of england formerly chief justice of the court of appeals of england and F de martens of russia the well known authority on international law mexico has selected as her arbitrators gulias of chill a judge of the court of cassation of italy and sai satornin Saor arnin nin lohman Lohn nui a judge of the highest cot chirt rt in holland these four men will ce te lect elect an umpire to ait aa in case of a tie the arbitration tribunal will meet at tho the hague Sop september 1 the american party mil will consist of judge william wililam L penfield Penn cid solicitor for the slate state department w m ho w Y III act as counsel for the united states jackson 11 ralston agent for the united state states walter 8 penfield and henry V amies arnica assist ant counsel for the united states miss margaret 31 hanna secretary to assistant secretary adee translator trans latoi of spanish and miss L N larking larkins stenographer it Is understood attorney general knox will III sail sall shortly for europe where I 1 in france he will nill devote boino personal attention to the panama canal question it Is quite probable now that proceedings looking to a determination mi of the ability of the new panama canal company to pass a clear title of the property to the united states will be conducted eu ea la in the french courts while the administration n la Is anxious to ha hat e the matter pissed p assed upon as an ann s n ns as p vict leable U the ic question of time will mill be secondary to that of certainty that the united states will mill hat hac e no trouble is with ith the tile stockholders stockholder of tho the old canal Coni company pany if it tho the property and rind rights of the new company should be acquired by tills country under the spooner act the president upon whom the rc rests will take tale no chances upon the results of extended litigation in which the united states might become involved if the property of the new panama canal company were purchased before it had been determined judicially that the company 41 the absolute right to convey coni ey a i icar title to this country arrangements b hw bire ire been at tit the war department tor for the exam of civilians for appointment as ai second lieutenants in the army the of this years graduates 0 or the military academy to ard regiment menty has bas left about va citi cles in the grade of second lieutenants hi tri the army these acan incan cles clos will be U filled aby by the promotion of con potent emitted men so far as s practicable tind those rem remaining by clinent from civil life atlis tt is calculated at the aar ar department that abent sixty of the wen men now in ranks will ill the examination thus coin com missions to be filled by y appointment from frola civil life the examinations for both clas blames ies of appointments will be beld september I 1 the men will be bl examined fit fort I leavenworth kansas orders provide th that thit it the examination of civilian candidates shall be held by boards rp pointed for the purpose nt lit these military post presidio of san francisco vancouver Van an couer barracks washington ten port fort li transi port lo 10 ann COlOn colorado 10 fort shelling minne e wita fort sam houston flo ustan turny fort lort McP horson Geor georgia gla tort poet roe mi virginid nid columbus barracks ohio 0 I new york and at 41 han an lorto li orto alico 8 scanty vl enty seven oung jien aten h re bawn designated by the secretory secret nry of war to take pobe vs ex aminat ious and their success or fall ure willbe will be determined liy toy a su pervIs 07 7 board in Washl noo uLton |