Show agriculture AND irrigation progress e ss i in n ag agriculture hidu it u r e stories in the arid r id st states a L s a and n T territories e r r relating to irrigation the dl d tor for of at tho the census bureau has sent the advocate a statement or tho the pro progress grew in agriculture in the arid states lind and territories tia its relates of It in lit utah the number of at irrigators of gridlan reservations in creased front in 1889 to in 1899 or per cent and the number of acres irrigated from aa ans 0 to fi or for cent the average value of farm land per aero acre was of irrigated land the ditches in tit operation in 1810 1899 had a length of 2838 nilles cost and warl irrigated acres thorer wro acres from front walls walis the tile irrigated area in crops nas a egl W acres yielding products voluen at the area irrigated in pasture ana aa acrea the number of irrigators in the united states in 1899 1809 not including of rico was an increase ip p ton ten yours years of per cent tho tile area irrigated Irrig aNd was acres an lucre a of 6 per cent of this thi urea area acres mcie in crops and acres in pasture and crops the coat cost of irrigation systems in operation of those of those on rico rlee plantations was while tho tile anlue of the irrigated crops was wits tho tile total length of nil till tho the main ditches ditt aliee in the arid and sern I arld states and territories was 4 14 miles the tho average nui number of irrigated acres in n farms farina in arid states and tor ter r ri tories waa wati 71 tho the a ornge mine value of irrigated land per aery acre 42 63 tho tile average of crops produced on irrigated land 1481 the tile average first bost of water tho the average annual bosc u of maintenance of tho the acre in crops hay and forage occupied 15 or cent boreala co reala reals or 21 tent cent vegetables 1 or 2 29 per cent orchard f fruits or 14 per cent other crops or 4 0 per cent tit the the huy liny and for age was wits cereals vegetables ege tables tl orchard fri fruite tits other crops including subtropical fruity fruits honors ors plants sugar beets etc 2 10 shortly after bonding sending the irrigation bill to the preal prest dont ilent con congress cong giess toss passed a reso resolution littion authorizing the director of the teneus census to compile statistic ici relating to irrigation for the crop vear car of 1002 1902 witla the tile data now assembled this work will bo be corn com putatively simple moet most of it being done dono by impendence con to secure this information inquiries will eoon soon bo b sent out te to through div out the un atod states tile co booe opera ration of those interested in lit irrigation la Is earnestly solicited by oy tho tile census bureau for upon their prompt re will depend ory cry largely tho the value of if th a w statistics tills this la Is in part supplementary vork nork the tile results of which will bo lie utilized in the work soon to bo be undertaken by the department of the interior under thobro tho provisions of tho th irrigation bill billy liti lin 4 said tant ho he would again like to be named as county clerk and recorder of carbon county und and we take it eliat this Is nebout all that Is noce for his ills reelee re elee eleo tion to the place jila ills announcement subject to the judgment et of the republicans in county convention a assembled s in up appears lItTs in this issue of tho ittle gleat great moral ind rell gloud 11 carbia comity county never hud had it moro court laiq pa painstaking us taking or competent boffl cial and in lit ite its history hao have the records of tho the ofeleo 11 been in such good shape appreciation of these conditions by tho the 3 of the loters of tho the county will inage ills 0 tion almost certain nud rind his hi elert election lon J if it bonnow in it november ve anber nast a lar alws L i ton ten to one hot shot r |