Show MUSIC HATH CHARMS solo of ot the effects ot 01 aila on cot Au AnI lumI nials tho pleasing of orpheus and the ulla lid bechta las lately been put to tho the proof lix tit earthe IP ir a series of to ac termine iV hether music bath hath chain to soothe the savage breast not long binco since a concert was given at tho the poultry show at posen tho fowls listened intently and tho the only one abich did not teemed pleased mas an old turkey turley cock which gave every ayt dea den c of noisy disapproval herr daler the I 1 ov loll then made a series of experiments in the german zoological garden with interesting results A plinia inas aa found to bo be peculiarly susceptible cep tible ai soon as the playing began 6 ache he stretch d himself and listened intently giving every evi evidence lence of seno o 0 pleasure this continued ai as long us as tho the music was soft and low but when tho the moc ment and tempo changed and the pi ing became loud and rapid he sprang to his et lashed his tad tall and iwo gaic every evidence of high netious excitement as if he were a frenchman listening to the larsell latae leopards showed cimpl complete ate indifference rhe lions nacre nerious and apprehensive but when the player passed on they lay do down n nud aud went to sleep the lion cubs seemed to show a disposition to dance then rhen the music was ti but the oldo olde members of the family acre evidently better pleased alth ith allegro measures hyenas were badly f tightened the muke y J showed much curl it bit bir op or one of them displayed avid enco 0 oz grat gr at censure Oen sure r wolves at birst manifested great curiosity but having satisfied themselves ns as to where where tha tho bounds came from they arranged them seles sel es in a send and listened attentively tent ively cly when the music stopped they pawed the placer and seemed to solicit tho the favor of an arcore tho tests are to be continued with a view to determining if it musical perception 13 1 a trait in all animals it they get ret the kind of 1 which sulta them or anly 1 a ret manifestation ii in reco recognition of the unusual tin usual and hells ablo 1 london globo |