Show I 1 dersons places ea and things ELEPHANTS AND THEIR WAYS generally accepted ideas found to be incorrect the average term at 0 an elephants life although there Is no precise in formation on the point Is 70 or 80 years the elephant la lit not in full vigor igor and strength till 35 the most ready way may of forming an approximate idea of the BRO age IB Is by the amount of turn over of the upper tipper edge of the ear in young tint mals sometimes up to the age of S 9 or 9 years tho edge la Is quite straight it howton how hoi tor then be gins to turn over and rind bv the timo time the animal Is 30 tho the edges lap over to the extent of an inch and between this age and 60 this increases to two inches or slightly more extravagant ideas are held as to the hight of at an e elephant le such stich a thing as an elephant measuring ten feet at a t the sho shoulder ulden does not exist in india or burma san derson who Is admit admitted tei to be the best authority on the subject ays the largest male ho he ever met with measured ared nine feet ten inches and anti the tallest female eight feet five inches the majority of elephant elephants however are below eight feet and an animal rarely reaches nine feet tho the female being slightly shorter than the male the carcass of an elephant scan se cri feet tour four inches tall weighed in port portion ioni gives a total weight of pounds so an elephant weighing two to tone tons should be common enough the skin was about three fourths of if an inch to one inch thirl FEW MEMBERS OF COLONY consul and his wife the only americans at guadaloupe louie louis 11 ayme the united states consul at guadaloupe who Is now in chicago and his tits wife are the only americans who realdo reside at all perma permit bently in the island of Guada guadaloupe loup mrs airs ayme la Is at tho the present time alone in this unusual distinction her husband who will vill be remembered as the first man to notify tho the world at largo large of the dready I 1 volcanic disaster at martinique having been in fix this thin country binco since tho the middle of june on al business thero there Is a vice consul at but na as he Is a frenchman mrs ayme docant con can eldar him as really the representative of the united states ana conae will III allow no uno but hermit to raise the stars aud and stripes above the consulate every morning at G or to lower the colors at sunset when mr air ayme Is at home no fie says he invitee the entire adesi amerlan an colony ny to dine line with him seven daya lays a week by simply announcing to mrs hirs A a me that dinner Is reada the porcupine fish among tae vie bermuda no ripi 1 js is received at the aquarium Is i porcupine flah which has u been placed in the tink with via ti boxfish the boxfish has haa all over its body a large number of fired spiny ances a the porcupine elsh differ differs from it in having scattered thickly over its body macy mary sharp spines that are capable of shifting in poni position tion ordinarily these spines llo flat against the skin but when the fish inflates itself it elf with ater as it can do until its body Is to also globe shaped its many sharp spines rise up like quills upon the fretful porcupine J hence the nume name of this fish which Is sometimes also called hedgehog |