Show if the kina keeps on setting getting litter better be should be at his beat very soon in spite of the growing use of extravagant trava gant expressions talk still re mains cheap at AL ohio preacher has deell lied a call to boston ho lie probably has po lotical aspirations another fourth of july victim Is to lead our great national holiday keeps gathering them in it may not be according to rule tut but king edwards head will lie uneasy until he wears a crown the name of the new sultan of zanzibar ie Is ae 21 hia his poet laureate Is up against a tough job king edward Is getting ao so robust that he may insist on juggling a few cannon balla balls while being crowned it Is the unexpected that happens in the ordinary adaire of life and in the matter of weather it Is the unpredicted that occure mary maccano la Is writing another heart romance compared to which her maiden malien effort will seem like a cold storage tamale venice proposes to replace the me old campanile Camp anllo with a abeel structure one containing cleva ole shades of byron and A man has started to ride a harise from dayton ohio to san franciaco Francl Fran cinco but it Is quite safe to say that thia this will not become a fad the governor of yucatan reports that his country has neither a war nor a revolution on hand well by cumi another miracle see venice and d dia 1 has a new mean ing aa now when historic structures in JA that city are turu tur ablina bUn about the heads 4 ui of residents and tourists the coronation charity bazaars gave I 1 wealthy americans a chance to see 7 society and at the same time to pay high price tor for tho privilege k president castro of venezuela has tacked the following notice on bis his allice door out will return when I 1 the revolution Is over if I 1 have good 04 luck i america has the best beat guna guns says a german annual it Is lucky for tho editor of the annual that herr krupp ie to not empowered to punish people for leze majesty I 1 A boy who rocked a beat at peoria wa drowned by tho the boy he wished to frig frighten liten clinging to him the lamentable part of this to 1 that the scared youth waa drowned also alao young mr Roche rockefeller foller and his elf can afford to take their wedding trip a year late as no one will suspect that it vas as the expense that kept them from going sooner the prisoner who preferred to go hack back to his cell rather than marry should not bo be censured hastily A great many persons not in durance have chown far less ping pong has been introduced in the british lunatic asylums but it la Is announced the game 13 1 not responsible for the presence in those institutions of quite all the inmates who play it brands er ancla A raimer of now york another rich man has ban started in to build colleges it will presently come to pass that college building will bo be another of tho the overcrowded probes alons the doston boston man who wants di il orce torce because his wife Is under tinder tu t u control of certain evil minded arr eona tons has established a valuable precedent for the total abolition of makers Plem akers in new york have bave struck jast here Is where the public calls a halt wo we can get along without coal or meat we can manage to have our freight undelivered but we must have pie A president of the united states hi Is at a great disadvantage when ra r 16 elding siding in a small town ills official position loses all of its dignity when he Is brought into comparison with the town constable william N guthrie Gu thrle the chicago university lecturer who declares that modern newspapers are more mart shocking than doc don juan evidently has been reading tho the beauty hints in the rn magazine sections |