Show TRUTH ai AND gp dr C N kny ilay Is I 1 moving hie M pleasant drug store to about forty people from castle gate ate attended the circus at proe last N ee eok k several couples from front price and helper d a dailee nt at owe orm e tit spring glen lust last friday oen hig they report hit ing had it 11 floe time john xon jenoa line lins been appointed foreman of tho the calco ovene at castle onto tho mine thero there was closed down doun the first of this to enable the company to build a new under tho tile chutes and elma tois attorney general breeden has handed down nu an opinion in ili effect unit an in indian aho vho lini ling tat taken en up hta lito allotment 0 of land his tribal nad adopted the habits of lilied IN life itte corn pl ing v ith tile le of tho the lims la is it citizen aind a qualified oter of tho the state of utah tho the wasatch Wu satch stelo stele company om pany nt tit I 1 Sunn ysido finds that it room Bunici lelent ent for tho the big stock of at goods purchased for the tile full fail and winter trade aud work la Is to begin nt tit once on I 1 large addition to the big bjoro building bather than moo roods goods about the thu lionso house while remodelling remo tomo delling la is going on a big reduction solo sale liaa has been in augu angulated in the line ling lind had a cut price iut put on it E ina pea ton and anti dr fisk went to zion yesterday see Cl cleveland ecland and have that watch repaired beat dest of workmanship emery stake academy A open nt at castle dale monday september ath section foreman joo joe barton and family visited in salt lako lake city last meek county cleric donaldson vent ent in to see buffalo bills show nt salt lake city yesterday tho th a annuel engery stake sunday school will bo lie held at r aileo pileo ice St sunday inday august sith ith ati county como committee littee of emery county Is c died to anee meet t at castio castle dale next saturday tho tile to set tho the tinte data for holding tho tile county con consention conen antion tion and discuss other matters tho the sunday school stake lovin lovi N harmon anti Counci lois A E wall and 0 it johnson met with tho the castio castle dale date sunday school last sunday jame 4 mitchell and anti mrs ella brunch branch of this city vity were united III marri marriage tage at the of tho the bride in price prim thursday day w ening evening only it few friends arld near relatives latles re being plesent pic sent wi with tit tho tile axcle exception atlon of sw devoral oral breaks iu in tho tile grade I 1 here bridges bridge sure lire to be constructed eight or ten miles 11 of the tile now my railroad rail oud load glada out from salina uro tire about ready for tho the steel gang it la Is given out that will begin thia this beek eck lion ron william IL 11 roylance and mrs may young 1 0 ung both of pron 0 v vere ere married in the suit salt lake temple august oth and inter later left tho tile rio wo grande western for chicago and anit other eastlin n cities on their adding trip the advocates announcement card curd sti 8 tiley they ill aix to bo be nt home after 1st it t 2 13 second east street pro 0 utah N oung nun from froin castle gata who made nn an carl earla start to tho tile clicks at provo by len taug home monday of last week moro oro held up by tra tapia on a freight train bekc n soldier anti tucker tho the trampe tramps secund a valuable bcd nod about iho ill 0 dollars in n noney noncy oncy frum from the crowd after which they noro nore compelled to jump from thet the train while tho the hobos wont on sheriff sheriff spoors inter litter made a search ut tit provo for the robbers but were unable to lind find thoin tholo willis will Is T bo Board ardsley dley left ogden last monday for ban to aall sail for manila by tile steamer american marti next saturday mr beardsley Bear deley hue a its auditor tor for th the united states trading company mr 11 r beardsley was for two mu term terms auditor of odgen cit 0 inter later kropi proprietor letor of the iho 1110 grande western eating houses with nt helper tho founder of ben rde lovs tavern la in salt lake and anti until recently the Gl park in ogden mrs J IF died last friday tit lier her homo home in Sunny sunnyside side after a short illness ot of two weeks tho decca was only 20 eara of age being the daughter of mr and U mra william of that place once tho the blow nas doubly olid tul from froin tho the viet that mis Vii wits nn an only child and had been married but elx six months iho ille husband and parents parent have hae ha e tho the sympathy of a host of friends f throughout tho tile county tho the funeral was tits held ot at Sunny sunnyside side the follon following ing day 13 r caffey und and james 11 menso have purchased tho the franc francese lse of the union Mere mercantile antila company lit tit mercur whoso stock desti destroyed oyed by tho the recent fire they nio ato to open a new stole about tho the of this month JW J W cuffey f with tho the wis was itch stoic stole company ut castle gate and r E caffey cefre y of wyoming aro tire I 1 tita rested und and arc tire to gio the tile business their personal onal nl nt tho the former la Is a brother of B F caffey and anti haa ins beon been living for it couple of vears ears in north while tho tile latter Is 1 an undo and an old timo coi cowman in tha this western country with tho the capital of 13 r caffey and J H mease mouse und tho the 1 ability of tho tile others the now und and certainly will bELO 1110 one of tile ery strong mercantile houses of the tilo strite thomas 0 hanford announces himself him elf this thi week sNeek through the tile columns of I 1 tho tile great moral and bellg fous its a candidate tor for tho the oell e of county attorney subject to the w action tion of thu republicans of carbon county yh wh shall assemble in convention mi mt bunford camo camy hele bor u months argo aiom and since 1 that time haa acted us its assistant to county attorney lee filling the ont 1 to the satisfaction of all and with as a much ability ue ie belloc ae the ofello 1 has oer been administered should ho lie baglen tho tile nomination by hie his party auch such action bould Ie locilla lent to an election ho he is mell fitted for its duties boing being every way gualt filed and consult tho the hist interests of the caspa taspa ers who ha lia a e to foot the bills in ili tho mattai of up a b unnecessary dons and noel mr hanford deserve ut at the hands of tho tile voters oters N i judge S J harkness 1 is not averso to ugilt r erving the people a member ef of tho the board of county commas signers and by ref oreace thour to our nn nit column it nill bo scon that lie his ills candidacy candid aey fit the fiands of the men nien N who ho aro are to conati tuto title the tile republican county conven tiou thero there la Is scare scarcely ely a it man woman or child I 1 in a C a abou county but knoils judge harkness of neld whose honor lionor integrity and anti ability stand forth as its bright its it silver sit er dollar jollar having hn ing lived 11 ed hero here tor for 5 ears ho lie its familiar aith all till tho tile conditions of tha people so 0 o necessary inthe in tho ud ad mini strut ion of the tile ofilio 1 of commas cloner ho he Is not a manof man of hobbies but if lie tins one eak neak point above uno ano her it Is 19 foi fol the tile betterment of thu the conditions of the county generelly especially tho public 0 on n this ono one issue alone ho lie should bo be able to make a winning campaign arico cc people irrespective of party ought to ate a kindly feeling for judge harkness Hark by benson of tho the fact that etwas it was lie hound tile wo in ember xi of tho the present board massre lw leo and mclean who nindo this town ahr permanent county seat seats when w was ts strong opposition and pressure pr esauro brought to apar bom f om tho outside |