Show news notes and personal the oil rig tor for the grand view company is being hauld to their location about ninio nine miles north of and drilling will begin in about N nook ook director harding of the oil company has said that work would ou l begin on his ills property this ieok and that driller baugher formerly with the sau san rafael company will be the man in charge don C bobbins who hai been beez confined ot ut tho the home of friends in price for two tivo weeks with a light attack of smallpox was released from tino last monday and arid has gone on hia his N way nay ay rejoicing tho the new now crusher for tho the utah ruel 1 company at sunnyside has been completed and the machinery act installed aled the company gives employment to between sc se in hundred and eight hundred I 1 people there manager burns la 13 still directing tile work at atthe the oil city well wall near woo de do the hole la lit now down between senen hundred and eight hundred feet and tho the machinery is working without a hitch many eastern holders of utah and wyoming oil lands are in salt lako lake city this week among them are representatives of at the northwestern utah union and imperial oil companies of minneapolis and chicago 0 B arost a boston capitalist with large holdings around colton was lately in that neighborhood looking over the forty thousand acres of ground he has located there he Is also heavily interested in gra grand n d county manager olo larson of tho the bald mountain oil company states that his company has determined to cease experimenting and have ordered a scotch retort which will bo be put ut work as soon ai it arries these retorts havo have been working successfully on the scotch ahanes which aro are not as rich in oil as those of county J W barrell for himself and associates socia tes of salt lako lake city has hits located considerable virgin oil land in grand county courty which ho lie considers the banner oil county of tho the state ho ile claims claim tol lacan oil sand visible ble which ho he can develop bya by a tunnel which will produce the khoory N ory finest quality of oil in lit largo large quantities mr barrell ii 1 enthused by his visit isit to the fields and find predicts every kind of nice things for them then |