Show SHORT TELEGRAM TELEGRAMS slight earthquake la in central portugal wert ww fell on the ath instant ins 1511 talt A fire at washington louisian Loul sian gust g ath destroyed thirty five tugs experiments are bein being made maile in manufacture of naper paper from tie sugar ilaff t andrew Cart commie legle who boudat bollt ht the th f library bt biL longing to john AM has presented it to john acao the italian government has ha t that hat the marconi Jar coal wireless tele rara ord ardem ordem DO be established a on A ni baffi the average condition of cott cot cottma toa shown by the monthly cotton 14 sued by the agricultural department depart 1 ia capt W A phillips of the tenth fantry hag has been appointed governor in the island of paragua jaragua Par agua in the of pines r the columbia southern 1 company of oregon has given to have all 11 engines equipped for ben ri ing oil u john dillon william nedra redmond ond hicl ael davitt timothy healy and other irish leaders will come to america sq p king mug victor emmanuel has contrib contris con trib buted lire to the restoration cf r the CamP campanelle aullie of st marks whick hla collapsed colla peed july the london mall says that one of he the great portA portions ons of st pauls paulla threatens to collapse unless 4 repairs aie are undertaken er sanator don cameron of 0 petit sylvanas syl vanla was mas thrown from a cardipe car carri Tipe a and ud severely injured at as cis tie in scotland august ath there were nere earthquake shocks it st genoa and pisa in italy august ath tk accompanied by rum beings no damage was done the prussian government has cr corr dered ambulance cars installed oa on ill lit prussian railways in order to provide for qui k relief in case of w reek reck japan Is arming rearming re wr r army cable cables the st petersburg of 0 the london dally ma ala alth with a new nev rifle and belling the old n er to china dr william M beardshear pre pret I dent of iowa state college at ames iowa ami and former president of the na a lional educational association dla august eth captain mccrea of tile gunboat 1 Ms I ahlas has telegraphed from cape ilay tien that tho the insurrection in haftl it is practically over and the authority au thorit of the government secure the louisiana pun base Es exposition posItion company tins as secured possession session of the tesson of fifty acres lying con to the fair site on betins satisfactory to all concerned Itu dyard kipling who lias has bets much annoyed by the visits of brighton excursionists to his boure at rotting doan dean has bag purchased a new place near tunbridge wells the historic building in frankfort in which the old german emperors in were e re cro crowned ined Is beginning to crumble the authorities have ordered that braces be placed immediately to sae save it in a decision handed dovan by the supreme court of california the tile r ariage of divorced persons in reno niada nada or elsen elsewhere here within n 4 soar car of tho the grunting granting of the divorce in callior na Is declared arcil legal visitors to london who will III not W 1 abib able to see tho the interior of westminster abbey before the coronation may do 11 after the event it having been officially announced that the will ix be offa open from august to august augus t A johannesburg correspondent 6 if that the government e rn iu ent bat ba t under undertaken talen to promote goy immigration m m ig r aaion of women 12 t to 0 south africa by aR assisting them alth passage money arid advancing the remainder of tha funds for the journey A heavy licary nind windstorm storm that swept over st loul august gib wrecked two of the towers of the varied industrial building in course of erection on me the worlds fair site the tow tou ers w m ere w feet high the d damage image will amount to sacral se cral thousand dollars A ruling ling been nude made by the actor nei general of hawaii to the effect tw tx queen LIlu okalanI must pay the ill come tax on her annual all allowance ance a of 1500 from the territory the brov ion for this tills allowance allow arce was N as made bv by iw last legislature the tax amounts H deutsche Deutsc lie donor of the prin franes fran offered red for the InTe invention of a dirigible balloon which was alvon wo ba a santos dumont was 11 liam bw in an automobile acel accident dent in a asami suburb of paris august fth several ribs were were N ere broken and bo he was as other ise in in jurea ube strike of the bridge and employed by w the tural iron workers steel Com Comp piny inyo anic which has bas been on since may lot 1st has an a und the men are ba back k atu dwor ork the tile men were granted their a for CO 50 cents an hour for and aind elm conr lour day william ziegler of new york wh who te Is interested in the baldwin in ziegler ix eay saye ho lie line received an all un u cablegram from Tron isoe soe 1 sor I Aalt 1 ilif way reading cheer up frithof r athor beware oc canards fer a it 11 dla ie 19 supposed posed to bt w c a the dlabach pach eup from baldwin tho the avil of paria parts 11 has 1115 15 cos cria damned the tile echo dc de I 1 paris the nation nacio aalst organ to pay 04 lencl the francs damages for libel A of chargo charge agall it the paper grew gr oui out cartain statements printed by h IL a curning colonel action the dreyfus ifrain |