Show arf A of the financial condition of carbon county utah for the fiscal year ending june 30 1902 on hand july 1 1101 3 from july 1 mi 1001 to juno 30 1902 disbursements july i 1 1901 to juno 30 1902 32 cask cash on liand june 30 1902 1001 57 GO GO ANALYSIS OF RECEIPTS cash on hand july 1 1902 clerk and recorders fees 2550 go fees liquori licence u r 00 estate of frank anac peddlers merchants oud and restaurant license justice court lines ST 57 portion of county officers salaries 54 OG juror and witness tees fees 2118 AX poll tax 8 delinquent taxes interest ou on state lands tax redemptions sale of county property J to ar miscellaneous revenues 2073 state apportionment of school tax 12 taxes collected I 1 ANALYSIS OF disbursements county warrants redeemed witness and juror warrants redeemed med 1 ajo go state treasurers receipts 51 district school treasur erb interest on county bonda bonds 8 82 1 50 county school warrants redeemed tit JO administrator or estate of Z demarco decea deceased sd lil 12 10 30 cash on hand juno 30 1402 1902 57 sG distribution OF disbursements ier per aa arrants drawn ACCOUNT AMOUNT MOUNT county clerk 1099 ty prosecuting attorney 00 county treasurer 00 county assessor jaw 95 district court sheriff 1141 55 deputy county clerk 96 janitor Ju sun sur e or 1000 fy inquests election i i 5 00 se camens ct mens L compensation S J harkness E C olee ike 00 OO IV D maclean amens expenses S J harkness 1301 E oleo 0 lee I 1 IV D maclean 10 20 poor and insano insane 53 criminal prosecution roads and bridges 1 2883 books stationery printing and publishing 05 county officers expenses s court house and land jail so 80 jurors and witnesses sanitary and quarantine 2732 rish fish and gama game warden total I 1 3 including salary of deputy this includes fees of stenographer and bailiffs and board of jurors of which JJ is charged to grand county fer for expenses of state va vs E E campbell t 70 00 of this amount web paid for a guards at jail t oj 04 00 00 of this amount inas paid to utah state prison ASSETS cash on hand school f fund und U 55 cash cah on hand liand general f fund und cash on hand county school f fund und cash on hand witness N line and juror fund cash on hand binte and state school ta tax 2 13 33 cash on hand district school fund und f DO b cash on hund hand county bond fund 90 cash on hund liand district school boad bond it fund iud 03 cash on hand county bond interest f fund und 19 12 cash hand county superintendent of schools salary on 1 fund P 80 and contingent cash on liand hand estate of joe walker ct nl al 2374 duo due from state lea ios of county officers 74 71 W fees and witnesses duo due from state jurors county jail and 11 tures court house f tirril tuio and fixtures at liabilities outstanding county warrants arrants 00 outstanding d county bonds 1 l 1093 00 judgment u e n atto P V coal co v vs carboa carbon county STATE OF UTAH I 1 1 gg Ss CARBON f COUNTY 1 J OF jbf A T 1 IV 11 donaldson county clerk and ex offida auditor in and tor for certify that the foregoing state of carbon state ot utah hereby tho the county 0 condition of carbon county Is truo and correct financial ment m me of the ho my hand and sen 1 I this W H lay DOA DONALDSON of july I 1 1 SEAL I 1 ex onico auditor sy |