Show AMERICAN WORK IN CUBA what this country ha has done for the new republic washington any aug 12 tin the bureau of insular affair affairs of the war department bag prepared a matein crit showing what the united states achieved during the occupation of cuba from the time the military got government m was as established july 18 ibus until jay 3 OW at the tile cloge 1 of lu in cuba it Is stated the country wa was in a a state of and ruin both in its political organization and lie its industrial condition without precedent to guide and many of thein them without previous experience in elate state affairs thep officers of tho tile united state army at once undertook to set up a form of government which would pr provide sufficient revenues for the immediate needs and which might be devoted into a stable and system sixteen clis custom tolu houses irre one at the chief port havana and othera at the principal sub corti of the island and and tariffs were put in force forem the principal changes change in the th tarin hive h ive been the general reduction of duties on exports f from rom time to time until april 1 1901 when these duties mere vre entirely abolished were mere opened throughout the island and native postmasters were appointed more thin post offices asero arc established there micro was established n department of flu arce presh led over by a it general treasurer and nd six 1 provincial treasur ers one for pad pach province sub subsequently ae these provinces were viere adla toileted and formed into eleven so called o 0 zones these off leers conducted conduct ed the and collect collection iou of con vo ances commercial and industrial taxes and administered in schools hos bos petals public works foit tring industries and stocking ng farms and plantations thousands Thou sande of brood cattle and horses were nere purchased and resold to the natives on easy eamy terms enabling them to resume work which N auld not otherwise have been possible the number of school houses pro tided nearly equal those la in this oua loun try for a i corresponding area there as constructed a telegraph line connecting bilth the tile principal cit elt it lee it throughout the island wand rad main talked by tho the united states signal corps public roads were opened throughout the island which together with iab the construction and repair of bridges hn ha v been of incalculable benefit to the inhabitants As a sanitary measure tho the streets of ninny of the cities were paved and ex system of sewerage constructed ted rile harbors of the island evere ere greatly improve 1 nil art admirable eaten of buoys and bencini established government warehouse Ma nud and docks were repaired and and tion 4 conforming to those in vogue rogue in thia tills country governing the harbors of the belind wore ere established that tho the of the de part parti ment nent of sanitation was judicious nud and thorough in lit its results 1 apparent in the large decre decrease de creise 14 of the death rate in the island since modern inea aures lune line prevailed pre ahe death rate filoi to this tills time bad been as high n 4 eighty and alnet in the thousand but decreased do to less than aien ty three iree in one thousand and during the tile sagon ju amt at passed ali alieu u fotr uns form fort nerl crl at its IN height ila lin mini ani an i was tu free from thia tills epidemic tl |