Show PEOPLE AND EVENTS WIFE OF COLORED POET mrs mr paul lawrence dunbar alo also a writer of some note airs paul lawrence dunbar 1 Is a writer like her hujbar her nor first book was published in 1893 1895 under the title violets and other talea tales and in n 1829 dodd mead co brought out the goodness of st roque which met a very kand reception some of aaa 0 A s waw 11 I 1 V I 1 the leading magazines of the country regularly print mrs short stories at the time of her marriage to mr dunbar in 1898 bhe she was a teacher in the public schoola schools of brooklyn since her marriage she sho lias has lived in washington where ehe she writes short stories and acts as secretary and general helpmeet to her husband thia this picture la Is reproduced from the illustrated volume ol ume awen aleth century negro which contain over one hundred pop por traits of prominent colored ameri amerl cans and noteworthy papers by them on vital topics relating to the ameri can negro HONORED WITH HIGH POSITION boston clergyman general secretary of baptist young peoples union the rev walter D galley calley of booton who has lias been made general secretary of the baptist young peoples union of america and will establish headquarters in chicago la is pastor of boston tabernacle he lie waa bora born in dover del in 1858 of quaker parents ho he was prepared to enter the publishing business hub but by attending V WIL services on sunday in new york coa com ducted by the rev isaac hl halda man he was led to adopt tho the ministry he ile graduated from crozier seminary in 1880 his ills first pastorate was in bethlehem pa and three years later ho he took charge of the philadelphia mission boards after nine years he went to cambridge mass aa a pastor of charles river church after paying off a large debt there he went to the baptist tabernacle in boston doston anere hia his work has been greatly successful REGALADO A GOOD SHOT president Preel dent of salvador may some day find accomplishment useful gen regalado president of salv saly dor Is evidently a first class shot a ai C cording to the new york herald he lie went the other day on board of a manof war for the purpose of testing a new now army rifle in spite of the motion of the vessel he be hit twice in s elon slon a cartridge hell which a as suspended from a white thread at a distance of thirty paces with this however he was aa not eat sat failed and turning to the commander in chief of the army he sale sala 1 I now propose to bit hit the whity thread and I 1 shall bo be much obliged if it you will bold it for me 11 without a word the comman commander derin in chief went ent to the spot where the thread hung and taking tho the top of it between hia his fingers he held beld it out at arms length lengh the next moment the kresment pree pre Hent fired and cut the thread in two five inches below the he hand land of the xuan man holding it ft he lie then called the commander in chief and asked him to accept as a gatt the rifle he had used |