Show WITH SING ceremonies KING EDWARD VII IS S CROWNED I 1 edward edv ard VII vit n I 1 and of f bod of the united 11 M the grace of OI 01 ir eat britain ana and ireland inot british dominion dominions beyond and bd c f the SID defender of 0 tahe faith the aas nf of ind 11 i was today to day aroi crown u allt hitch or harm a and nd tonight to night rd 1111 tout asli celebrating the event vent 14 D S n the horld orld has it awn wafred wafted tedas SIB lar vw 4 it never av awaited salted any other coronation Is but one untoward unton rd occur there during the tile entire cere ceremony and adue due to the el extreme freine earlese ea kLese tbs wt ration lastation lad at tation of the venerable Ten erable arch sl canterbury but no ino barm f n tabo dore and the delay was slight girg edward lyl passed soeI through tire the ceremony a kit bind and az of ss or fatigue III all 11 ll resl respects the celebia tion was and it was aa carried out with tl I 1 perfection IO n of detail ard lack of bat that lias has rarey characterized jant yb pride de of empire S abr marked 1 queen N ictor lits jubilee licking anti and in 1 its stead there perd P W idt ail all classes a keen acco locklon US tU tonly six nv eks ago their klig jay ay in danger of death and this today to day produced thankfulness and genuine Wp athy tor for the mn luau rather than nd ad of be king this ae fig voiced by ahe arch bishop f canterbury 1 when hen be he in erta rt toone of the coTo coronation the for whose hose recovery we a low rire give thee bear heartfelt yet thia M not prevent the public tram appreciation of such military as the short procession gave etem a chance to see F earl FI I bobertz Bo Vo bertg berts er in fri chief ot df the forces was once more the hero liero of be ju hour and next to the king himself recited Ted the heir tletA melborne vel mel couie corne of the crowds but it nl is 8 for the acin 1 g ana queen flat thit the people really let them law throughout the day Nhe whenever uever abd bd wherever their majest majesties les were seen the cheers were loud and lone ind specially especial lr was as this so on the return journey of the king and queen to Baking bam palace PI lace cotil the dooming booming of guns announced that the crowning of king kin edard ind queen alexandra had bad been achlen td ed there lingered in thousands of minds a apprehension that atea at the tile last lost moment some untoward event might once more plunge the into consternation in westminster 11 est minster a abba the scene ae as less than marvelous nearly 1 WO members of the nobility the clerry and the gentry had gathered with princes ambassadors colonial gaii P indian potentates and leaders from the furt furthest best quarter of the globe here the union jack flies files to do honor 0 to o the hang two incidents in the 1 of the abbey will the ih e in the memory of all who ho witnessed witness wit sed them the first of these which almost developed into a dramatic contretemps centered around lie the aged archbishop of canterbury from the commencement of the 1 the archbishop had bail the greatest da la in reading or remembering the prayers the book from which m aleli his almost blind to rad nad shook in ills bands and nih when ell he came to place the apon king edwards edvards head his base ture frame towering above the scat seat M ling hing saed so that the bishop of Inc heiter had to bin ELM while the dean of westminster put P a gu aiding band under the tit crown aroi it it wa was evident that the archbishop of could not see his lits kings head and after groping around ho lio was 1 jaet 11 11 1 to complete the tile most pr P r t 1 t pirt of tho the ceremony oay lam it discovered that lie had the tile crown wn with the back to the front he it but too late to pre tent nittie the choir from f rom prem prematurely attim ly burst ing soul out kith ith a loud god save have the amid n tension that had pow the wn lo 10 a pitch of painful Plin p ful nervousness areli bishop filially managed to the own roin correctly on the aln bead aca the of london ii ind durb 11 im 1 aped their arun around the th t of canterbury tile th king 3 d hl u crinkled band liand the on OPI Sil haid etli 11 bah 1113 1118 flet and 11 1 and lit he throne ahn more eifried than tua ll 11 from the he to 1111 9 edn ards chiapel m where liere V 11 tl alved iram had 71 tremor u lafell tills 3 event nt caused carcel subsided ahen en another ars frs 5 iu mail tonch marled the tfx and the king w forgot in h asi f ibber of merely epting calep f tilt ailt I 1 ge of the tile prince of aldand the ednard pt put his ills arois then airl I 1 ice and nl him and reel lied jtb him wd and krutij his 1 hand that h b instill ne of 0 parental affection to th tb 0 stats to miny m iny byc y these t ta n ila wele were able to af e dearly th el I 1 phila the tile magnificence of sya 11 the splendor of the anti ele e n tile historia hi storla ak ain af the s ortin titi atlon on odice office itse itself if KW 1111 nto 0 ir birst Ui edward Y the wae was greitl r antieri and t d condition of the th archbishop of constant tant lp i a 3 nil ills 1 nin jesty mat in read shya tho ugh of 01 it contretemps contre tempi jud judged ged fro S outwardly calm aa no could f be he wd had m tho the llacsa with ith which 1 br deal als his P erect during tb the 1 big the lever boerer did not ke the aa I 1 bsh OP of can pap the anre arch h Iti orL 0 berv berbary bry acce mow more and MOW ts tb ty her mai palpably awn on vit the be in 9 bould 1 l break y lu 1 keen apty ebe a con ta telila toward 1 her husband bus band blai lute the n emony her grice ful dignity and so licit ude for king edward one of the moat most charming features of the ars proceedings ce her apps appearance arance won nion extravagant encomiums especial ly from the women many of whom de clafred that queen alexandra did not look a alay ay over thirty ih e the queens a own a croin crowning ning u was as brut brit f and simple IN hen the tour four N went ent to hold a canopy oi over er her majesic tys hend head the duchess of marlborough and the duchess of portland led the nay they 1 performed their duties ex at the approach of the cru caal period forn for w hach the pee peeress reses had long p nar namely riely 9 the li putting tilting on of their coronets th the morri moment cut the tile queen qun was inas crowned a nutter flutter of nor ner ness ran through their ranks an ami 11 coronets were mere pulled out and patted and pinched into shape their faces hardened with anxiety and then all their arms suddenly m went ent up and coronets large and email small were nere put in some crooked and some straight for the nett five minutes the peer esses disregarded what passed before them first one and then another turned around for advice and help hin and anti then ensued a mutual pus lilLic hlL of each ich oil era ees coronets into place no stage effect could lim ha equaled the climax that ensued the mout mon nt ut the tile aroi rown ni was as placed upon king ddn adward ard s hoad head the me sudden ba b hun dolds of electr lc lights making the thousands of priceless jewels els including those in the crown cron itself to sparkle with ith dg the instantaneous movement of ohp peeresses pee the placing of their coroff coronets Is upon their heads beads the clio choir lri loud god save the king alth w ath its inhar nion conlous lous 3 et genuine refrain from thou sands af male and female throats con cn such an outburst of pent dp tip thankfulness and rejoicing as even westminster abbey with all its his toi toila ic traditions never before w Itne uncased sed nearly americans must have hae witnessed the ceremony in the abbey among them were sire mrs cushman iv val and mrs irs willard of washington mrs da davis Is and d sirs willard accompanying sli sir john agnew madame nho was mas queen alexan dras dra s especially invited guest mrs battles Bal mrs hartman mrs poat post mrs dudley duffley ielah wiss artor astor mr and mrs charlea charles yerkee lady barrymore and lady michiael chael el herbeat IIer Her beit while the tire king nna and queen were ere in Eduards st Edwi rde chapel many of the peers broke ranks and illner up tip along the ap pro preaches aches to the altar the younger members of the nobility some aortic of them being tc scarcely arcely ten iten yearn wears of ot age N who ho had pre bously been kept in the b hick bick ick ground then joined their older relatives tin es gemeril Kite kitchener liener with his hands on air the shoulders of a little page biag w a conspicuous among these the first to pear from the chapel was the tile queer Is she passed between the ranks all nil e nobles baa boned ed low the queen acknowledging their salu nations when her kajs majesty sty reached tit tho nave nae some one shouted three chechis for the queen r and the old abbey rang with ith cheers as tho the queen slowly passed into the annex men and women momen rising from their seats and shouting with as much good will as any of the crowd in the streets nearly ten minutes later the king xing entered from the chapel still ive irlam the cron n and carrying the scepter and lod As the king passed abe arch arh in the body of the abbey to cheer hie sound grew it in volume and and priests peel 8 and peeresses pee genc generals rals admirals anti the 1 whole hole vast throng rose and hurrahed at the top of their voices until the last wit min irvin in the procession had disappeared 1 in the annex the cheering wis mits continued the king ing bowed and smiled led e delighted with his reception and find then the organ and orchestra played god bavo tile king the departure of tie XI king nand 11 sirpa f from rout the abbey i was as by another salute the massed bands 11 eliy ly ing god hive te the tile king I 1 aho entire route of their majesties majest les return to me palace was vas marked b bv scenes of enthusiasm thusia thus lasur sm similar to those which greet ed their progress to the abbey the more circuitous route through rind constitution giving the tile hundreds eds of thousands thousand of persons occupy cupping luff stands windows and rind roofs an opportunity of gree greeting flug the crow ned king and his co sort before they entered reentered re palace which they did in n the midst of remark able of enthusiasm the entire crowd from train constitution down hardg joining in lit tile singing of or the national shortly after tue we return of the king and queen to the palace it wak officially announced foni f thor thero that the king had lind borne the ceremony well and 2nd that he fie had suffered in no way uny from fatig fatigue fat igie tt and this was nas confirmed 1 ba the presence of the king himself self 1 w he hen n in response to the repent repented d plaudits of the crowds his majesty accompanied by the queen appeared on the in lit robe and crown T the lie faces of both were suffused with mith smiles T bey hey bowed repeatedly their lou l ou ori of the warmth of the sip applause ahila th thi coronation was being wi sm in london celebrations and aud rejoicing were nere carried on oil throughout the colonies numerous caba grams to the king he lie of representative bodies everywhere eveY ear where salutes were fired tired and wen were held australia confined itself to religious service services having spent all the tile money woney gathered for the post postponed boned event of june for 81 sim liar ilar services were biad ly by the british i communities in all the Fur european caal tale tam and chief cluce of f uie the continent |