Show outlaw trucy tracy Is not the hero that ho he was a tow fein days ago iho wage of sin arc are doing business ut at tho the same old stand ila linking ing faked tho the reading public of artall for years by publishing an alleged newspaper nenn shaper the tribune is now grafting on oil them i with ith a bunco guessing cont contest esiL it la is ex expected that all of the members of the cabinet except postmaster general payne and secretary hitchcock who are lre not speakers will ivill go 90 on the stump this foil fall senator vest of missouri says that the election of a democratic house next fall not mean any material advantage to the party nor to tuo tue country either elther perhaps william jennings bryau sai sashes his highest ambition is to become a private citizen tho the nation accords with him in this laudable desire although it took mr bryan eight years to 11 zid it out john R dooly has been beca licked out cl of tho the welle wells fargo bank at zion just as knew he would bo be the effort of tho the salt lake to give him a character has 1188 only made the tribune ridiculous in the e ot thoc who rend read its nauseating editorial the gentlemen who ikuyo been talking so enthusiastically about the tile failure of the american philippine policy should note that the tile size of tho the army in the islands is just one halt that of the guard which great briar brinnin in I 1 ag left as a permanent garrison for south africa where roe roette ate peace has been declared almost ei e cry resident and taxpayer at colton wants to see that portion of utah county annexed to carbon this fall in intact fact there ther oare tire but t two men there we ie are told opposing tho the proposition IN hen her tho tile 0 ther there ale ate anxious for it we do not eco w m herein the balance of utah county has any kick coining coming it has been by parties residing elding re in the county outside of price that tho the people hora here should get together and have a county fair ut t price each tall fall A lair would bring a lot 0 cal people together create a rivalry in the tile ampro ement of stock stimulate good racing and fetch considerable 81 sid erable dorable money to the V t a va who ill take the initiative sy by the annexation of colton precinct let of utah county to curbo carbo and where by the way it properly belongs bailon county would mould gain several additional miles ot ol railroad taxes fro from nIn numerous crous sheep herds alah 2090 50 there tho the greater port part of the ear and would be in position to control tho the head voters vaters of the two white and other streams to lo say nothing of the taxes coming i jm pin the tile town 0 of celton colton the question Is an in important one to every citizen of carbon county |