Show want the convention scofield eld democrats are anxious to have the domoci atio county convention held at their town A letter ad 1 dressed to it gentleman in price among am other things say says we the tile good democrats of tho the neat est cad end of tho tile county feel somewhat concerned in lit tho the coill coining ing county contention and think that lu in OH ati much as 3 ou have had lind the conventions COU actions in thu tile other parts ot of tho the bounly ao so many bears eara aou ou ought to ba be considerate enough tollace to have the coining coming one set wo we have many reasons for thie title und and ITO wo think that yon you will not only show us the courtesty courte sey due but it will provo prove n benent to the party in general a N we va ran 1 alv ghe e ne its good AC a as A tiny other part ot tho county whilo while nothing will be ifft left undone to make it a on oil our part kindly take this in titter up with chairman hn trman young toung and let us its henr hear from you the advocate believes that it Is na its well for the delegates f from rout tho the precincts of this ond of the county to go to no as for of those of that end of the county to come to price chairman of the republican state committee of colorado Is to an undertaker nt at colorado spring and line has been engaged for many years in trying both democrats and republicans what the republican party ants in colorado Is a chairman chair mun that only knows how to bury democrats demo orata |