Show bids for school house the tile trustees of harper ischook district disa will let the contract a et for the building ot of a new school house in district no 11 ll harper mull an any information concerning plans and specifications may bo be had by writing the trustees A meeting ine eting III be held and bids opened on 81 S 8 1 comber camber 1902 at 10 a 0 m E L huomo chairman 0 F u W Z AVAn REV duns an sas a of business conditions at salt lake alt jobbing trade la Is fairly good forthe for the season and the situation Is generally satisfactory though a shortage in tho the water supply in some sonie localities Is on an feature buyers are con selva atho tiNe and orders rule small but frequent and july business compares very tery well with last car ear A satisfactory trade Is had in groceries drogs hardwi hardware tre and all staples sta plea and dealers in dry goods clothing shoes and notions aro biry busy nith etli fall orders colic Collett eions lons light with money plenty and eagy vax mi peters the third victim of J W murderous CUD aun died Thurs thursday da eer since the fatal wound was rece reveled led peters has made a liard donth and slight hopes for his reco cry entertained torta ined another asteroid aate ast rold erold has been discovered Hovre however cr this I 1 not so I 1 in apor por tant antt to otho tho IM roan navo ae would ulli bo be the discovery IN covery of a plan inn by b which lie can meet hia his meat b bill i I 1 ay with tr an assur ing ng cleveland le eland tho the jev jeweler elor doeg all kinds of watch repairing on short notice |