Show quality and not quantity price trading company threw the doors of ita its elegant now store sto reopen open last monday morning the shelves and basement and arid every onery nook and coiner filled with mith a coin complete pleto assortment of seasonable merchandise ise the stock Is 1 all now of the best beat andery and very finest quality and Is 1 marked at tit prices to insure the quick movement of goods A ballinger for BU so long with the old trading company and who is conceded to bo be aa as good a it buyer aa as there la is in tit eastern utah together with doll and george faucett aro are members of the now new ller and knowing the tile wants of the trade have left nothing undone that will make the just slon don popular with mth the peo pie miss mcintyre tyre Is 1 employed as us clerk the stock embraces everything that Is new in dry goods notions clothing groceries provisions in fact any article that is to bo be fund found in a first class general store the farm prides itself on quality of goods first and secondly reasonable profits pi olits the cash buyer will lind find it profitable to visit the stoie of the new now L company attention Is directed to the announcement no vt of B it mcdonald Donald Mo of price for state senator from front tho the twelfth senatorial district appearing in this week meeks assur subject to the of the republican part purt which comprised the counties of uintah carbon enier enter grand and c san juan mr mcdonald Is t too ao well mell known to need any special introduction artlie at the hands of the advocate suffice to an ho that hu he has lived in lit carbon county for a number of yeara has hits been all till his ills life a it working man aud arid above all a consistent conel consi stant republican doing much for hia his party and his ills pally good both with ith bis his purse find nd labor he 6 I 1 specially well mell versed ua us to the needs of the people of tito twelfth district and if chosen tu to tin high and honorable station bo 10 man need be a ashamed of hit representation or a any ny vote he may castOu cast on any uY a oil HIs friends are tire legion and bis his q exceeded b by no nian man in the district at suit salt icko city last monday a decree of was vas grunted granted to ella from front david dald Laru vor on at the ground ads ef of desertion and fall arp to t hu 1 1 ajit at the plaintiff waa was rc restored stored it to her liar maiden malden biarne ella rod nd the c tody of hoi hel minor millor chi child d iho bartles form erl eriv reIl wl a Orang orangeville eville |