Show A good man for the place thoro there aro are any num number berof of people in I 1 carbon county who hai c tho the idea and correctly too that tho tile aine stock horticultural and agricultural inter 1 ests of at calbom county should havo have tation in tho tile state legislature with this idea uppermost in their minds thoy they hao prevailed lexi upon edwin 0 loo of the nino nine mile section to allow ills narno name togo to go before the people as a candidate ditto for tho tile lower house which he lie does i E abject how ever eer to the action of at thu the republican county nominating convention mr leo is a rtuh born boru and bred man competent to 1111 11 the pinco place intelligently and to the interests of all having located in this 4 coultry with jbv to earliest car lIest settlers and hns hits at all times been identified with tho the best beat interests of at eastern utah ita its growth groth and ad van cement ito was chairman of at the first board of county commissioners of carbon bounty and Is ut tit present a member of the board during nil all of which time hia ills record has been clean and clear cut ills motives the highest there are most important matteis to come before the next legislature among which will wilt bo be the tile election of a member from utah to the united states senate with such men comprising that body us edwin 0 lev let tile people of the county have nothing to fer their interests will bu be looked utter after in u ro manner inner that will bo be intelligent lioni ost est and |